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#1  Edited By DukeKaboom89

WWE I think is ok, it’s gets a bad rap because if you haven’t watched it for years it has gone down in quality and some of the storylines just don’t have good payoffs, or don’t respect the wrestler involved in them. Wwe network has a free version to watch some new stuff and some good old school stuff the wrestlers in WWE or nxt are amazing it’s just the storylines that let them down.

There is so much choice at the moment, but you can’t go wrong with AEW has a little of the sports entertainment aspect that WWE has but is treats like a sport like it used to be in the 80’s. Jon Moxley is great almost like a stone cold of today’s era, Rey Fenix is someone you have to see to believe and you can’t go wrong with kenny omega!

You also can’t go wrong with new Japan, Roh (ring of honour) or impact wrestling some are easy to find on YouTube and see what you think. New Japan has its own streaming site called new Japan world, impact is on YouTube or FITE and so Is Roh. My overall recommendation would be AEW though, I really enjoy it and it’s on FITE tv, you can get it £4 (not sure of the conversion) but it’s a really good deal for weekly tv!

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#2  Edited By DukeKaboom89

Glad everything went well with the surgery :) as everyone else has already said in the thread, feel better soon and take as much time as you need!

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Thanks for giving the site a millennial voice Ben :). Gonna miss hearing you on the bombcast every week and hearing your amazing laugh. The street fighter 2 quick look for switch has one of my best moments of that!

To quote a wrestling goodbye, good luck in your future endeavours whatever that may be :). Oh, I almost forgot, I’m sure your ranking of fighters lab coat will be on its way to you shortly as it’s well deserved!

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Great blog! Full spoilers in response to it below:

I think the emotional aspect is the mother and son story line. Her being the lady jumping from the boat when she thought some other lady was jumping and as she interpreted it “jumping away from their problems, I wish I could of done the same”.

I prefer inception for pretty much everything you said above, the protagonist doesn’t really have a plot twist or story line motivation. The motivation is very vague and I feel that is on purpose. The motivation and emotional story for him is actually Robert Pattison’s character helping him from the very start and the protagonist not realising it to the end also to a lesser extent; using Kat to facilitate his plan in the first place ignoring the pain she is experiencing.

That moment with Pattison’s character at the end worked for me on the first watch but worked even more on the second watch as I missed a key moment in the first scene. The protagonist had gone through hell and back to save the world and the only way this happened was due to Robert Pattison’s character sacrificing himself and the protagonist doesn’t want that relationship to end even though he knows it’s going to happen.

I enjoy a nice popcorn flick but sometimes a regular action film is just a little boring because it’s usually the same storyline. With Christopher’s Nolan’s movies, they have a sci-fi storyline or concept that’s adds value to repeated viewings of the film. Tenet isn’t my favourite Nolan film but I did really enjoy it in a similar way to Rorie, things move at such a pace that you just kinda get lost it in it. In some ways I think I enjoyed the second viewing more than the first as when you first watch it, the first hour is super quick exposition and you get the pay off in the time travel sequence but you still have lingering questions.

I still recommend people watch it, you may not think it’s the best film of the year or of Nolan’s filmography but I still feel like it’s a good movie that sparks conversation after it’s finished and I think that’s a good thing.

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#5  Edited By DukeKaboom89

Dirt 5 is a good racer for launch but I wouldn’t say it was worth $40 dollars, the story mode isn’t really there, it’s just a list of racers to do in a set order so I felt like they over sold that aspect of it.

I 100% the game and really enjoyed my time with it but when it was all said and done it just felt like a tick box exercise. Not overly hard and didn’t have all the types of racing that was available in Dirt 4 or Dirt 3.

I would wait for it to go on sale for a little cheaper if possible or wait until after your backlog, you will enjoy your time with it but it won’t be a game you remember for much longer after you have completed it.

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I have no idea what your talking about. There has been loads content every week during the pandemic probably more random streams and stuff than I can remember. If you didn’t like that stuff then that’s fine. I would hardly call the subscription cost ‘big dollars’ but I understand a lot of peoples circumstances are affected right now so if that’s the case then it’s understandable to not don’t pay the subscription right now but content is one thing that giant bomb isn’t lacking.

The fact you said their job isn’t that hard and also they aren’t important makes me want to disregard what you said entirely but I felt I needed to respond. Everybody who works on the site is important at any time and I feel they have all done a great job under the circumstances.

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Gives all the specs and includes the pitch video for this thing.

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Couldn’t agree more. Everybody has had a part in making this site great. Thank you for everything everybody has been doing to provide us with entertainment during this tough time.

I’ve been a premium member for at least 7 years and don’t see that changing anytime soon! Whenever I want to just chill out and take my mind off stuff, Giant Bomb has always been there for me and I really appreciate that.