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Happy birthday Ryan. You will forever be remembered, Giant bomb infinite allows you to live on and gain new fans. Giant bomb wouldn’t be what it is today without you.

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#2  Edited By DukeKaboom89

Shadow of Mordor is not goty worthy. It’s decent at best.

Horizon zero dawn got the right amount of attention in goty last year.

Bioshock inifinite is one of the best endings to a video game that I’ve played.

Metal gear solid 2 is the best metal gear game.

Twilight princess is a bad 3D zelda game.

While ocarina of time is the best in the series.

GTA v’s story was awful but had a great world and gta iv though it has a flawed story based on the conflict the main character experienced and what you could do on the sidlines is a much better all around game.

I don’t think pubg deserves the praise it received last year. That game feels like a popular trend at best. In two years time it will have dropped off massively. Until the next big thing comes along (fornite is a perfect example of what I’m talking about)

The best giant bomb quick look is euro truck simulator 2.

Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 are not bad games, I could not tell you what happens in the story but I did enjoy playing both of those games.

The nintendo ds was the best handheld Nintendo has made.

The Xbox one dashboard is just as bad as it was when it first launched. While the PS4 has changed nothing and is still miles ahead. Even the switch makes more sense than the Xbox one dashboard!

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Hey, much appreciated for the code, got a nice discount off one of the great giant bomb shirts!

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Same here if playing music or podcasts once you go to the front page it will stop the song or what have you! Not a big deal but only recently started happening must be the new iOS update.

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I only played horizon for a couple of hours but I don’t know what it is, I bounced off super quick. I think it feels a little soulless. The characters seem a bit dead eyed like they are reading from a script (Obviously they are because it’s a game) but they don’t feel alive to me. Same goes for the world and the game itself, like it’s just ticking all the boxes in an open world game check list.

Where as Zelda had a charming world a little bit of character, just with the way the characters animated was great and just added a lot to the game. I don’t think botw is the best game ever but it’s very good and I played that all the way through reasonably quickly.

I would definitely try botw and see what you think the magic of the game wore out close to the end but overall I really enjoyed it, in comparison to horizon I felt motivated to play it and finish it.

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#7  Edited By DukeKaboom89

For me at the time there was nothing else to that quality for that style of game. All the improvements in 3D action adventure games can’t go unnoticed because of ocarina of time. But it’s the game itself I really like, the dungeons,the characters, the music, just exploring that world. I have played that game multiple times and enjoyed it every time (maybe not as much as my initial play through) but still felt like I had a great experience.

I agree however I’m sure someone could make an argument for any game being the greatest game of all time. When I think about how much fun I originally had when it first came out The nostalgia definitely carries a lot of weight but nothing has come close to giving me that sense of achievement or for lack of a better word wonder than when I played ocarina of time.

People may say breath of wild is a much better game in that sense, but I do like games with a little bit more structure. I thought breath of the wild was great but no where near as good as ocarina of time, if anything wind waker would be a very close second if I had a favourite Zelda of all time list!

I like that style of game and you still see parts of the game design in today’s games, that’s why people are still saying it’s the greatest of all time. The parts that made it revolutionary for it’s time are still, though a lot more refined, are still being displayed in other games of it’s type.

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I’ve played both the original and the remaster and I’m picking it up. It’s a cheap purchase and for how good it looks plus the little control improvements I think it’s worth it.

It’s one of my favourite games and it looks amazing with the updated Graphics so if your interest why not give it a shot?

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I found the devil boss after all the other challenges to be the easiest one in terms of time spent beating him.

Even though king dice was a lot of shorter bosses, I kept getting to the king dice part of the fight and dying a hell of a lot. It felt like a had to do a lot of busy work just to get to practise fighting king dice. Which got a little frustrating to be honest. I think I beat the devil in a about an hour, which was nothing compared to the fight before him.

After all those bosses though, there was no way I was accepting his offer, I’m not a complete purist for a decision like that in a game but the whole point of the game is to avoid becoming his lackey, so I think it’s the game appropriate conclusion to beat him!

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Ma balls the peter molyneux talk about his dog was amazingas well, might already be on this list but just wanted to make sure it gets a mention there is def a YouTube clip of it out there!