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Quick Look: Sunless Sea - Abridged

The Game:

FTL at zee.

The Quick Look: Running time: 43:25, Starring: Alex Navarro and Vinny Caravella

Alex explains the backstory to the game (taking place in the Fallen London universe) while he walks Vinny through the beginnings of a new game; creating a character and setting up his ship for launch. He then proceeds to wander around aimlessly at the slowest speed, clicking through half-read dialogue options and complaining about the pace of the game. He gets confused about the combat system and how his weapons work before accidentally trading 12 supplies for 12 corpses looking for passage.

The music reminds Alex of Under Siege which he recently watched, which leads to a brief discussion of Under Siege and its sequel, Dark Territory (“Under Siege on a train“).

Eventually, Vinny calls for cannibalism, so Alex steers his ship around even more aimlessly than before, waiting for starvation to kick in. His character, Captain Beefheart, leads an investigation into the suspected cannibalism on board his ship before tiring of bat meat and leading the charge himself, attempting to pass off the flesh of his fellow zailor as a forgotten stash of food. Soon afterwards, the ship is sunk by a pirate ship.

Alex warns against the apparent speed of the gameplay, but praises the writing and lore while Vinny suggests the wiki for the game’s universe might prove entertaining.