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GAMETRAILERS lost their damn minds

Ok this was a bogus one completely GT. Seriously you mention at the very beginning that besting a human trumps AI every day with that being said you could have called it a Multiplayer category. But while I agreed with some of them. Like Resistance 2, Left 4 Dead, and Gears 2, WTF is with SPORE and LBP??? those games have online components yeah but you lead the entire site on to believing it was all about the multiplayer.

SPORE is a purely single player game. There are great online features, but besting a human trumps AI everyday so that argument for why it was even a nominee should be thrown out the fucking window. This was a spot that could have been better filled with MAG or Fable 2.

LBP is a platformer that has 4 player co op and great level building. We have seen game 2.0 long before this. Its called MODs, Map Editors, and custom Game types. TADA!!! Out side of being cute this online experience seems more like an experiment than a multiplayer game. This spot could have been better filled with Rock Band 2, End War, or Killzone 2. All of which allow for games that are bigger than they appear.

So with 2 of the nominees for best online/multiplayer out of the fucking way how about you tell us what you really thought.


Resistance 2 and Gears 2 should have tied. Resistance 2 is adding more and more to the FPS formula but not really renovating it. More (LOTS MORE) of the same goodness we all know and love. Gears 2 is showing that creative game types like MEAT FLAG and WINGMAN are just the tip of the creative ice berg. Complete with party support, screen cap sharing, dueling, and being an online game that no one has copied should be enough to get this one top spot. Gears 2 is a much more innovative title and deserved to be tied with Resistance 2.

either GT lost their god damn mind with 2 of the nominees or forgot to mention lots of features in others. Makes me wonder.

They better have another MULTIPLAYER GAME OF E3 and level this one out, because the nominees were shit and there needs to be THOUGHT in what they say at the beginning of the video and what they say at the end



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Edited By Echelon730

Ok this was a bogus one completely GT. Seriously you mention at the very beginning that besting a human trumps AI every day with that being said you could have called it a Multiplayer category. But while I agreed with some of them. Like Resistance 2, Left 4 Dead, and Gears 2, WTF is with SPORE and LBP??? those games have online components yeah but you lead the entire site on to believing it was all about the multiplayer.

SPORE is a purely single player game. There are great online features, but besting a human trumps AI everyday so that argument for why it was even a nominee should be thrown out the fucking window. This was a spot that could have been better filled with MAG or Fable 2.

LBP is a platformer that has 4 player co op and great level building. We have seen game 2.0 long before this. Its called MODs, Map Editors, and custom Game types. TADA!!! Out side of being cute this online experience seems more like an experiment than a multiplayer game. This spot could have been better filled with Rock Band 2, End War, or Killzone 2. All of which allow for games that are bigger than they appear.

So with 2 of the nominees for best online/multiplayer out of the fucking way how about you tell us what you really thought.


Resistance 2 and Gears 2 should have tied. Resistance 2 is adding more and more to the FPS formula but not really renovating it. More (LOTS MORE) of the same goodness we all know and love. Gears 2 is showing that creative game types like MEAT FLAG and WINGMAN are just the tip of the creative ice berg. Complete with party support, screen cap sharing, dueling, and being an online game that no one has copied should be enough to get this one top spot. Gears 2 is a much more innovative title and deserved to be tied with Resistance 2.

either GT lost their god damn mind with 2 of the nominees or forgot to mention lots of features in others. Makes me wonder.

They better have another MULTIPLAYER GAME OF E3 and level this one out, because the nominees were shit and there needs to be THOUGHT in what they say at the beginning of the video and what they say at the end