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#1  Edited By Eidderf

Did these a while ago.


 Some fake pokemon
 Some fake pokemon
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#2  Edited By Eidderf
@TheDoorman: What is the intent of this thread? What is there to discuss? They both use light, great...


  You say you don't have to play a game to know what it's about, but even from reading about the 2 games and watching videos you can tell their approach to light which is what his point centres around isn't particularly valid. And I'm sorry but when posting:

'Yeah, too bad Gears of War had that level, otherwise Alan Wake would actually feel quite original :('
What did he think the reaction would be? Can you honestly say that doesn't sound like trolling, if it wasn't he could have phrased it in a much more appropriate way.
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#3  Edited By Eidderf
So what do we discuss in this topic, both games use light mechanics it pretty different ways, honestly the Gears of War level resembles the dark world of Metroid Prime Echoes more closely since you are constantly hurt if you are outside the light bubbles. In Alan Wake the darkness doesn't hurt you it harms the creatures in the dark, you use the light as a weapon not as protection. Yes there is the section in Gears where you use the light gun to shoot kryll but it hardly uses the idea of light to much of effect, it's basically used as a laser which feature in many games. So basically he doesn't want to play Alan Wake because they both feature light, not even in the same way for the most part, that seems very unreasonable, especially considering it's really the story and narrative that is the unique part of the game (not that they are completely original by a long shot but very few stories are)  

What are we meant to say to him, some guy comes into a forum and makes some rather uninformed statements without playing the game, do you just want a page of people saying 'ok that's alright it's your opinion'  He opened his opinion up to us on a forum and people criticised it which they have the right to do as long as they aren't attacking him directly.

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#4  Edited By Eidderf

Mario has a moustache, Captain Price has a moustache. No wonder Infinity Ward is going under when it's ripping off ideas from all over the place.
Where have all the original ideas gone?

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#6  Edited By Eidderf
@markB0SS: Redline was shown last in our room, you must have been in screen 4 then?   Some guy got a free box set of the Panda thing in our room, they didn't throw any free stuff my way unfortunately.
Yeah it's the first time I've been to an all nighter, went to an anime expo in London last May but there wasn't any screenings or anything. Heard there's another in October so I may go to that one if they are showing new stuff (don't want to watch that bleach film again)
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#7  Edited By Eidderf

It's a shame the UK Official Nintendo Magazine became pretty much Nintendo propaganda, it was actually pretty reasonable with it's scores until all the former staff members at one point were suddenly swapped for new guys and began giving every game with a vague relation to Mario top scores.

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#8  Edited By Eidderf

I went to this also, it was pretty cool, they gave away a load of free dvds, posters, games and books as well as beta codes to Starcraft 2 for some reason.
The movies were pretty good apart from the Bleach one which was kind of predictable and the 1 episode of FMA seemed a bit out of place (also it was obviously a fansubbed copy since there was a tv station logo in the top corner and sponsors on the screen at various points) The Samurai film was pretty interesting but not really what I was expecting, it was more of a history lesson than anything, the Fate/Stay movie was good as well but it seemed like there was a lot of backstory to it that wasn't in the film.
Redline was my favourite film of the night (though Panda Oh Panda was pretty hilarious) but it was annoying that they couldn't get the sound working properly at first, had to make up my own sound effects.

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#9  Edited By Eidderf

Should be good, really enjoyed the first game (though the waggle stuff that they shoehorned in was a bit annoying) There's a lack of good platformers in gaming at the moment so it's good Mario is around to keep that genre going.

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#10  Edited By Eidderf
@The_Laughing_Man said:

" @Eidderf said:

" Being Live wouldn't really add anything and would leave the people playing open to spoilers if they had a chat box, the only advantage would be being able to see the episode quicker than usual really.   I would like to see some footage of them actually playing the game on the sofa, don't really know why though.  "
Pretty sure that happened during the SSF4 TNT.  "
 I'm not much of a street fighter person so I haven't watched that video yet, but I'll give it a look sometime.