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2012 Gaming Resolutions

Yay! Everyone loves obligatory New Years Resolutions! I got my personal stuff. For instance, I’m currently 175lbs and want to be 200 lbs by September. I’ve gained 35 lbs since June 2011. Of course, I also want to get the fuck out of Afghanistan. Playing games in a warzone is a difficult task. Going out on missions aside, there’s always some stupid task that needs to be accomplished that hinders my game playing time. Despite the time constraints, I’ve managed to sneak in a decent amount of game playing. I’ve even managed to write a review for Skyrim. How many reviews are written in a combat zone?

Here my 2012 videogame resolutions:

Don’t let silly things like war get in the way of writing:

Anyone who has been following me on the Internet longer than two weeks knows I’m into writing about games. In some instances, I enjoy talking about games more than playing them. My weakness as a writer is not having the motivation of writing for the sake of doing so or to improve my skills. The end goal is to entertain you. It’s unfortunate that GiantBomb is blocked at the base I normally reside at.

The likelihood of me finding anywhere in Afghanistan that doesn’t block streaming sites like GiantBomb is unlikely. I’ve just been lucky these last few weeks. There’s no question I will write a few pieces. It’s a question on how much I will write in the coming much and how much of it will see its way to the Internet.

Read more about games:

War is long stretches of boredom interlaced with short bursts of intensity. The real challenge in war is to entertain one self during the boredom. What if one day we’re driving down the road and encounter an IED (Improvised explosive device), EOD can take up to five hours to get to our location. It’s in these circumstances it’s good to have a book or a portable gaming system on hand. I am finally in a situation that allots me time to read books. There is a bounty of videogame-related history books like All Your Base Our Belong to Us and The Masters of Doom I feel like I need to read.

Figure out if the Playstation Vita should exist:

All this free time doesn’t necessarily give me an avenue to play games on a TV. This opens doors for me to finally own and appreciate a decent amount of portable content. Back in the States, I would completely shut-off the Vita like I did with the PSP. It’s fair to question why the PSP exists at all. It wasn’t even until this deployment I saw people actively play a PSP, as if the Sony’s old handheld was a thing. I’m in a rare situation that will open to eyes on if condensed console games on Portable systems are a viable avenue to play games. Maybe I’ll come back and say “half assed console games on a portable system is ok if you got no other choice”.

See everything games have to offer:

I don’t have the local BestBuy I can run to and ordering anything off Amazon can take weeks to get to me. Right now I’m playing Skyrim and Arkham Asylum. In addition to those two titles, I have Saints Row: The Third on its way. I want to get back in the swing of seeing virtually everything games have to offer instead of just seeing the occasional side stuff. All three of these games are jam-packed with content and will suffice this habit.

Try new things:

My life is an abundance of western RPGs and Shooters. I really wish I was back home so I could check out The Old Republic, despite it being an MMO-ass-MMO. When I finish my three games, I plan on truckin' through Rayman Origins. I'm also hoping the Vita offers a little breath of fresh air. I'm also pretty sure that this is the only blog on the Internet were someone said they're looking forward to the Vita in hopes of a "breath of fresh air". Surely, I'm crazy. I just want to play a game that doesn't task me with shooting as many dudes as possible.

Share 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand with more people:

After looking through past GOTY lists, I reminded myself about 50 Cent's adventure through Iraq. More people must experience this!

Tell me about yourself:

What are your 2012 gaming resolutions?

This blog is probably the last you'll all hear from me on GiantBomb for awhile. Cheers!