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My journey back to PC gaming

Bare with some history here. I'm a 36 year old dude. I've been gaming since the Magnavox Odyssey. That was a hell of a long time ago. Throughout life though, I've always carved out some of my recreational time for gaming. I got married at 21, started a family and a career in software engineering. All the while I stayed abreast of the latest games and followed the industry. While going to school and learning to write software, I took my first serious foray into PC gaming. It was a blast. There were a lot of headaches and challenges to overcome, but I enjoyed it all. It was fun. I continued building rigs as often as finances and the wife would allow. I even got into video driver modifications. I would unpack nVidia's drivers and go to town with my own tweaks. Good times! I was still interested in consoles, but I wouldn't buy a ton of games. I played the AAA titles and had my fun, but I was a PC gamer.

Enter Xbox 1

I really liked the Xbox. It was a cool device to me. I liked the simplicity and many of the idea of an inexpensive console that actually had decent graphics. I started straddling the fence with game purchases. I bought some PC games, I bought some Xbox games. I wasn't so hell bent on keeping the gaming rig in the upper ranges of performance and buying the latest hardware anymore. Times were nice. I even started looking into video game development and started moonlighting at Microsoft Game Studios to see if I wanted to change directions with my programming skills.

Enter Xbox 360

Yeah, I'm starting to get pretty good at shooters on a console controller. This ain't so bad at all. Friends list? Achievements? HD? I'm in! I really love the 360. It's a great device. It was cheap (enough for me, I know it's all relative) and I truly was having a great time. I quit my post doing some work for a Counter Strike related website. I fell off the PC gaming wagon HARD! I really don't know how or why. Blame the 360 I guess? My coworkers were all buying them. It was easy to justify with their wives as the cost of PC gaming can be steep depending on how deep it's claws get in you. So now my friends were on the console and that's how things were for a few years.

Life decides to kick my ass

I'll be the first to admit. I had a good life going. I decided to avoid the game industry from a professional standpoint because frankly I was making a lot more money and working a lot less hours outside of it. Plus, sometimes working with a hobby can turn it into a job and kind of kill the hobby. I liked gaming for the escape part of things and that's how I decided to keep it. I had a family, a house, a great career. Things were pretty easy for me. I didn't have a lot of worries. Just as soon as the comfort level peaked, REAL life stepped in to remind me how REAL life is. I'll spare you the details for your sake and my own privacy's sake, but I experienced a personal tragedy with my family and it basically fell apart. I ended up divorced after 13 years of marriage and not able to feel at all normal and happy for a quite a while. Thankfully gaming did it's best to help me escape, deal with the loss and not resort to drugs (prescription or otherwise) and alcohol. I had some rough spots there, but came out of it largely intact.

What do I do now?

Well here I am. I'm in my mid 30s. I'm single. I live in a house with a friend of mine who's single. (I swear the neighbors all think that we are gay) He's a big PC gamer and since I've been living here he's built a pretty sweet rig. He was on his path to building the next one and talking to me about it. As soon as I started thinking about it, I was like, "Yeah, dude. It's time for me." I left my old gaming PC with my ex. I have kids and they will spend most of the time with their mom and I wanted them to have a computer to enjoy. I just kept my MacBook when we separated. I've only had my work PC and no home PC to even tinker with in a couple of years now.

Enter gaming PC

I've got my rig now. I ponied up and spent... a lot of money as I had nothing, no monitor, no mouse, no ANYTHING. I did my homework and talked to friends and really dialed in on the best PC I could at the price that I was willing to spend. Did I already make it clear how much I loved my 360? I really love that device. I play it a TON! I was happy. I knew the PC was better, but I was happy in how the 360 looked and played. But then the PC got booted up and Steam started downloading my games. WTF happened here? I started playing some stuff and I saw the graphics, the high res textures, the anti-aliasing, the lighting effects. I knew I was in trouble. I then started getting back into the keyboard/mouse control scheme. What? "Headshots on purpose? That's not like me." Everything was clicking and the games looked phenomenal!

Here I am today. I AM HOOKED. I'm back. I'm throwing a lot of dollars at Steam and having a total blast. I'm not done with my 360. My LA Noire preorder is safe. I can't wait for Gears of War 3. BUT, I have changed direction. I came home to the gaming love that I loved most. I don't have an ax to grind, nor am I trying to be an (insert platform here) elitist of any sort. I just am so happy I bought a gaming PC. I've missed it a lot. My ignorance was bliss, but that time is done. I love the way PC games look. I love the way they control. I am more than aware of the current status of the games industry and PC gaming. PC gaming sure has hit it's bumps in the road, but I really think that it will survive and thrive in the future. Hell, if it doesn't, I look forward to riding off into the sunset along with it.

Oh... and I have very few Steam friends, so PLEASE hit me up and send me an invite. I'm a pretty mellow guy and would love to meet new people to game with.

Thanks for listening.


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Edited By ericdrum

Bare with some history here. I'm a 36 year old dude. I've been gaming since the Magnavox Odyssey. That was a hell of a long time ago. Throughout life though, I've always carved out some of my recreational time for gaming. I got married at 21, started a family and a career in software engineering. All the while I stayed abreast of the latest games and followed the industry. While going to school and learning to write software, I took my first serious foray into PC gaming. It was a blast. There were a lot of headaches and challenges to overcome, but I enjoyed it all. It was fun. I continued building rigs as often as finances and the wife would allow. I even got into video driver modifications. I would unpack nVidia's drivers and go to town with my own tweaks. Good times! I was still interested in consoles, but I wouldn't buy a ton of games. I played the AAA titles and had my fun, but I was a PC gamer.

Enter Xbox 1

I really liked the Xbox. It was a cool device to me. I liked the simplicity and many of the idea of an inexpensive console that actually had decent graphics. I started straddling the fence with game purchases. I bought some PC games, I bought some Xbox games. I wasn't so hell bent on keeping the gaming rig in the upper ranges of performance and buying the latest hardware anymore. Times were nice. I even started looking into video game development and started moonlighting at Microsoft Game Studios to see if I wanted to change directions with my programming skills.

Enter Xbox 360

Yeah, I'm starting to get pretty good at shooters on a console controller. This ain't so bad at all. Friends list? Achievements? HD? I'm in! I really love the 360. It's a great device. It was cheap (enough for me, I know it's all relative) and I truly was having a great time. I quit my post doing some work for a Counter Strike related website. I fell off the PC gaming wagon HARD! I really don't know how or why. Blame the 360 I guess? My coworkers were all buying them. It was easy to justify with their wives as the cost of PC gaming can be steep depending on how deep it's claws get in you. So now my friends were on the console and that's how things were for a few years.

Life decides to kick my ass

I'll be the first to admit. I had a good life going. I decided to avoid the game industry from a professional standpoint because frankly I was making a lot more money and working a lot less hours outside of it. Plus, sometimes working with a hobby can turn it into a job and kind of kill the hobby. I liked gaming for the escape part of things and that's how I decided to keep it. I had a family, a house, a great career. Things were pretty easy for me. I didn't have a lot of worries. Just as soon as the comfort level peaked, REAL life stepped in to remind me how REAL life is. I'll spare you the details for your sake and my own privacy's sake, but I experienced a personal tragedy with my family and it basically fell apart. I ended up divorced after 13 years of marriage and not able to feel at all normal and happy for a quite a while. Thankfully gaming did it's best to help me escape, deal with the loss and not resort to drugs (prescription or otherwise) and alcohol. I had some rough spots there, but came out of it largely intact.

What do I do now?

Well here I am. I'm in my mid 30s. I'm single. I live in a house with a friend of mine who's single. (I swear the neighbors all think that we are gay) He's a big PC gamer and since I've been living here he's built a pretty sweet rig. He was on his path to building the next one and talking to me about it. As soon as I started thinking about it, I was like, "Yeah, dude. It's time for me." I left my old gaming PC with my ex. I have kids and they will spend most of the time with their mom and I wanted them to have a computer to enjoy. I just kept my MacBook when we separated. I've only had my work PC and no home PC to even tinker with in a couple of years now.

Enter gaming PC

I've got my rig now. I ponied up and spent... a lot of money as I had nothing, no monitor, no mouse, no ANYTHING. I did my homework and talked to friends and really dialed in on the best PC I could at the price that I was willing to spend. Did I already make it clear how much I loved my 360? I really love that device. I play it a TON! I was happy. I knew the PC was better, but I was happy in how the 360 looked and played. But then the PC got booted up and Steam started downloading my games. WTF happened here? I started playing some stuff and I saw the graphics, the high res textures, the anti-aliasing, the lighting effects. I knew I was in trouble. I then started getting back into the keyboard/mouse control scheme. What? "Headshots on purpose? That's not like me." Everything was clicking and the games looked phenomenal!

Here I am today. I AM HOOKED. I'm back. I'm throwing a lot of dollars at Steam and having a total blast. I'm not done with my 360. My LA Noire preorder is safe. I can't wait for Gears of War 3. BUT, I have changed direction. I came home to the gaming love that I loved most. I don't have an ax to grind, nor am I trying to be an (insert platform here) elitist of any sort. I just am so happy I bought a gaming PC. I've missed it a lot. My ignorance was bliss, but that time is done. I love the way PC games look. I love the way they control. I am more than aware of the current status of the games industry and PC gaming. PC gaming sure has hit it's bumps in the road, but I really think that it will survive and thrive in the future. Hell, if it doesn't, I look forward to riding off into the sunset along with it.

Oh... and I have very few Steam friends, so PLEASE hit me up and send me an invite. I'm a pretty mellow guy and would love to meet new people to game with.

Thanks for listening.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47

I'm glad you see the light, also other ppl might not even realise what a graphical difference the pc is for multiplatform games and thinks it's only slightly improved. It's completely different and running on technology that is more than a gen ahead.

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Edited By ericdrum

I bought a 120mHz monitor as part of this purchase. I hooked up my 360 to it with HDMI. I then compared a couple of PC games on the exact same monitor. BFBC2 was night and day difference. I was shocked actually. The difference is insane. My room mate and I actually had the single player campaigns running along side each other. HUGE difference. I never knew things advanced this much in my time away.

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Edited By MeierTheRed

I had the same experience entering PC gaming again this year after not having touched any for 10 years. 

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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@ericdrum:  if you have a 120hz monitor, then you can probally run nvidia 3d vision with the glasses. If your videocard is nvidia that is.
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Edited By TheKeyboardDemon

Hey Dude, sorry to hear about the tragic side to your story and glad you are being positive about it and all is ok now.

I'd love to read about your rig, what you thought went really well, what you think you might want to improve if you can and just about the process of building the rig, maybe even see some pics.

Welcome back to the world of PC gaming, enjoy it.

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Edited By ericdrum
@HitmanAgent47:  Yeah, I didn't get the glasses kit yet, but it's on the radar. The 120 is something to see in person if you can. It really smooths motion out nicely.
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Edited By ericdrum
Here's the specs
Case - CoolerMaster Haf-X
CPU - Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge - currently clocked at 5 GHz
Cooling - XIGMATEK Aegir SD128264 Mega Killer Double HDT
Mobo - MSI P67A-GD55 (B3) LGA 1155 Intel P67
RAM - CORSAIR Vengeance 8GB
Video - EVGA GeForce GTX 570 HD
OS - Win 7 64 bit on Crucial RealSSD C300 128GB
Display - ASUS VG236H 23-Inch 120 Hz

So far, I have zero complaints. The system has been completely stable and is running amazingly well. I'm very happy with the overclocking of that Sandy Bridge chip and the Xigmatek cooler. I'm nowhere near my heat threshold. I haven't crashed once or seen any funny graphical artifacts. Also a huge case with plenty of cable routing has been so nice and easy. I mean, this case is overkill as far as size goes, but building it was a cinch.
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Edited By TheKeyboardDemon
@ericdrum:  That's a sweet rig! I have seen a live demo of an i7 CPU running at 5.7ghz but that was running with liquid nitrogen that needed to be constantly refilled in order to keep the CPU temp at -119 degrees C.

Makes my rig seem quite tame, though I won't be overlocking, at least not for the time being.

What PSU are you using on that?
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Edited By ericdrum
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@ericdrum: well I own two 120hz hdtvs and one is used as my monitor so I know how it looks. But the 120hz is different on pc. It doesn't take the content and interpolate it, meaning turning it into 60Hz (frames) then doubling it. Rather it depends on your gpu power. I take it you have an nvidia gpu then, but yeah I sort of know how a 120hz looks like, but mine is different kind.

Oh right, I see you are using the gtx 570 HD, lol that version. Not something you want to sli, I think it would generate alot of heat if you have no space inbetween that mobo like mine, but still for a single card it should be good enough for your needs. I seen a picture now, it shouldn't be a problem, who oh why did I buy a tri sli mobo that has no room inbetween. Good choice on everything, the pc case, the cpu, everything. Psu, kingwin? well.
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Edited By TheKeyboardDemon
@HitmanAgent47:  I was curious about why you didn't seem to like this PSU so I looked it up and the Kingwin seems to meet all the minimum requirements in that it has:
  • 80 Plus Bronze certified
  • Special patented cable management system
  • Universal modular connector concept
  • More than 87 % efficiency (At 230V, the average data in 20%, 50%, and 100% load)
  • Over power/under power/over voltage/short circuit protections
  • Stable +12V current
  • Comply with Intel ATX/BTX standard
  • Three PCI express connectors 6 pin/Three PCI express connectors 8 pin (6 +2 Pin)
  • Eight SATA connectors
  • Six 12V rails
  • Support Intel Core i7 / Core 2 Quad / Core 2 Duo & AMD Phenom X4 / Phenom X3 / Athlon 64 X 2 High Performance CPU
  • Support High Performance Nvidia SLI GPU & Compatible with Crossfire/SLI/3 Way SLI
  • Compliance with ATX 12V v2.2, EPS 12V v2.91, and SSI EPS 12V v2.92 Specification
  • Output over / under voltage protection
  • 3 Year Warranty
There are other features too but I decided to cut these down and keep to what I thought were either most interesting or important, I didn't think the 3 selectable LED colours was as important as over voltage protection for instance.

The Newegg link that ericdrum posted only had 6 reviews posted and 1 of them was bad, but that might have been an isolated case as there are so few reviews to go by.

I can't really see what's wrong with the PSU going by the stats, other than it only has a Bronze Plus 80 a Silver, Gold or Platinum would be cheaper to run as it they have highre efficiency ratings. On the Kingwin running with a load that I would estimate as around 650watts (going by the equipment listed above, accounting for that massive overclock and then rounding up) he will be running the system to draw 76.5% of this PSUs load which is about 83.5% rated load efficiency, or in more simple terms means that 83.5% of the energy going into the PSU is used by the PC while the rest ends up being wasted as it is turned into heat, a platinum PSU would have a 90.5% effieciency rating at the same load, making it cheaper to run over a period of time as less energy is turned into wasted heat.

I googled for reviews and the first 1 that came up was this 1 from Jonny Guru and it was awarded 9.7 out of 10, everything I have found seems to suggest it is a very competent unit, so I'm not sure what you were trying to say about it. Maybe you could expand in case I'm missing something obvious.

Since getting my HD6990 I have done a lot of reading on PSUs (can you tell? lol) and it seems the best PSUs in terms of efficiency will run at their best if they are 80 Plus Platinum rated and the system draws around 50% of the rated output, which means in this case the best PSU would be a 1200 watt unit, which is about the same for my rig, but ericdrum's 850 watt looks like a better choice than my 750 watt OCZ Fatality unit as I am drawing around 83% of the rated power output. I know there's more to PSUs then 80 Plus ratings so it would certainly help fill in the blanks.
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Edited By warxsnake

Good stuff

I just bought a Planar 120Hz monitor along with the 3D vision kit last week, its more badass than I thought, and frankly surprised me how well it works (in certain games). 
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Edited By SSully

I feel inorder to enjoy the best of all games a PC and a PS3 or 360 will bring you to a world of gaming bliss, so congrats on making that step! 

What kind of games are you playing on PC specifically right now?
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@TheKeyboardDemon: well brands are very important, I like cosair and antec high end stuff normally than a not so common brand, or something that's completely unreliable like ocz. I mean sure it has the features, but does it have the quality? Anything can be certfied. Although reading new egg reviews, more than half of the ppl, even a 4 star review said it died. I mean if it didn't die on the reviewer, it doesn't mean it's something I would invest in. I run a consair psu for many years now, seems perfect and undestructable. I mean you can even argue sparkle power or cougar is a good psu, doesn't mean it's going to last. Also I use newegg to see the ratio of doa pc parts besides reviews. A 1000 watt ocz might get good reviews, but it breaks down every few months, it's worthless.

If you go cosair, antec, seasonic and silverstone, it's less of a gamble imo.
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Edited By GunslingerPanda

I got a gaming PC last year, too. Get Metro 2033 and have a wank. HNNNNGGGG.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@ericdrum:  first of all, that's a sweet ass fucking delicious rig and i'm gonna head to your house, distract you with pornographic material and steal your PC.
secondly, this was a great read and i enjoyed it thoroughly :)  welcome back to PC gaming, we always need more troops, simply because it's unfortunate that this supernatural tech that provides a heavenly experience isn't experienced by everyone.

I hope your kids grow well, and i hope you get over your problems and find a better life partner soon!

i organize Bad Company 2 bombing runs on the PC, and i'm gonna be doing Brink and also Battlefield 3 when it comes out (BF3 is gonna be something else). what's your Steam ID so i can add you?
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Edited By TheKeyboardDemon
@HitmanAgent47:  If it's purely based on name and reputation, don't forget that all of the good brands you mentioned would have 1 day started as unknowns and newcomers to the field and that there are new and upcoming names out there that are being recognized for the quality of product they make. NZXT for example are a brand that many people didn't know until a relatively short while ago and now they are being praised for their great PSU and innovative case designs. I agree with your point about reviews, reviewers don't have time to test and then live with the product, at most they will spend 2 or 3 days with a PSU before it gets shipped back to the manufacturer and often they are given 'golden' samples to review in the first place so they will never see how it is for long term performance. Let's not take that away from ecricdrum's awesome rig though, it is a really impressive setup with an awesome overclock.

@ericdrum: If you do play any games online post the game titles and your gamer ID's so we can meet you online, I've been getting in to Battlefield Bad Company 2 recently, I'm not great but I really love the squad deathmatch mode on the game. I have also just bought Crysis, Crysis Warhead & Wars in the recent Steam sale so I'll have something to do while they fix the Crysis 2 issues, I'll probably be trying those online in the not too distant future too and there is a GiantBomb Steam group that you can join if you are looking to find people to play against or just join in with some massive online chat sessions.
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Edited By abdo

Glad to hear you dealt with your hardship and came out happy. Pretty nice setup you've got too!

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Edited By StrikeALight

Pretty similar setup as mine, except I run a stock i7 and h70 cooler (not bothered overclocking). Put it together a couple of months ago, after a LONG hiatus from PC gaming.

Feels good, doesn't it? :)

Feel free to add me to Steam, (same username as GB) since I'm on the lookout for more pals. Same goes for all GBer's!

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Edited By dagas

This doesn't really seem like a happy story. You lost your house and family, but you are okay because you have rediscovered PC gaming? Is that what you are trying to say? If so I can't say I buy it. Still, I agree playing games is a better way of dealing with it than doing drugs and such.

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Edited By Christoffer

I recently found my way back to PC aswell. I had pretty much the same experience as you as I was happy just with the console. But for other reasons than gaming (3D and photoshop) I missed having a good rig. Then I realised just how brutally superior a PC game can get... and then I was lost.


Haven't touched my PS3 in months for other than movies.


I'm currently addicted to TF2, but a newer game slips through now and then.

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Edited By ericdrum
@Ahmad_Metallic:  I'm glad you like the rig! It's been preforming awesomely. I really couldn't be happier with it. Also, thanks for the kinds words. I truly appreciate it. I had a feeling EA was going to discount Bad Company 2 this past weekend, so I waited until yesterday when they did and I pulled the trigger. It's downloading while I'm at work today.

I will definitely being putting huge amounts of hours into BF3 when it comes out. I've also had my eye on Brink for a while. Thanks to Steam I have a huge amount of games to work my way through, but I still might put Brink on my release day purchase list.

@TheKeyboardDemon:  Most of the games that I've purchased so far have been for SP experiences. I do want to play some Bad Company 2 online though. My id on most every game AND my Steam Id is the same as my id here, ericdrum. I purchased way too many games thanks to that EA Steam sale.

@dagas: That's not what I'm saying at all. It's not a happy story. I just wanted to share my experience on how I ended up back in PC gaming. I'm happy today because of other reasons altogether. When you have personal tragedies though, it's nice to have something, anything, to lighten the load a bit, and for me gaming does that. I just thought I'd share this story with like minded gamers who might get it. Things of this magnitude will consume and destroy you if you let them.

 @Christoffer: Yeah, I had been limping along without a desktop and justifying reasons that I didn't need one for a long time. I work from home once a week, so it will be nice working on a full workstation rather than my laptop, even though I just VPN into my work computer. Once you step into the PC world, it's just really hard to ignore the gap in experiences. My PS3 has been relegated to the BluRay device in my bedroom now. Poor fella. 
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Edited By oraknabo

I'm currently spending a lot of time on the PC. I've always preferred consoles -- I was playing Atari before I even had access to computers. I have had all the Nintendo consoles, a Genesis, a PS2 and a 360, but Portal 2 is the only thing I've played on a console in months. 

Thanks to Steam and, I've been playing a lot of the old PC games I missed out on like Deus Ex, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Arcanum, Sanitarium, Planescape:Torment & VtM: Bloodlines. I'm also doing some old Ultimas (including Martian Dreams), System Shock 2, Pathologic  and the Thief games. 

I'll probably never use my PC for new games and any game that's available multiplatform, I'm still going to play on the 360, but there are some great PC-only games that console-only players really miss out on.
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Edited By Vinny_Says

This sounds like one of those born again Christians conversations....

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Edited By fox01313

For me PC gaming comes in phases just as I have the tech to run everything. Of course lately I've been delving more into a lot of the older games I missed out on as my PC currently is hitting that point where games are starting to require more CPU (that & motherboard are the only things I don't know or don't want to risk upgrading due to big hassle of testing things out & rather need a PC running right now). Thankfully now with places like Half Price Books (retail chain that deals with old/overstock PC & console games as well as books/cds), Steam, Good old games, Amazon's new & used section as well as ebay, compared to a few years ago, it's easy now to go through & find gems in the PC gaming history just about anywhere.

Edit:  feel free to add my name ( fox01313 ) on steam which goes for anyone on Giantbomb.

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Edited By Christoffer
... for I was blind, but now I see.
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Edited By ericdrum

Here's a pic of the rig:

No Caption Provided
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Edited By scarace360

Welcome to the master race.

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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@ericdrum: the $200 nvidia hafX, nice. Maybe you can put some green cathodes in there for the side windows. If you were so inclined, you can connect that to your hdtv like I did. I'm only saying. Also your keyboard and mouse looks expensive too, everything you have seems like a luxury.
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Edited By crusader8463

Welcome back brother.

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Edited By crusader8463
@dagas said:
" This doesn't really seem like a happy story. You lost your house and family, but you are okay because you have rediscovered PC gaming? Is that what you are trying to say? If so I can't say I buy it. Still, I agree playing games is a better way of dealing with it than doing drugs and such. "
That's the power of PC gaming.
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Edited By ericdrum
@HitmanAgent47:  I have a couple of green 200mm fans as well that I may install in the two fan spaces at the top. That may be too bright though... I don't know. I was thinking of adding some green cathodes in the bottom. Yeah, I kind of went overboard a bit on all the stuff I bought, but I didn't want to regret any of my purchases. The Astro mixamp and headphones were pre-existing.
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Edited By ViktorKing

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The PC is the platform that never dies.

When people stand in line for days, camping, fighting, stabbing one-another for their chance to get the newest Playstation, only to leave hundreds of dollars worth of games behind, I’m calmly ordering a mid-priced graphics card and top-end sound board for around the same price breathing new life into every game I still own and can still play.
The Steam network is no more likely to die than the XBL/GFWL network and my library in it only grows. My primary gaming machine hooks up to my living-room TV just fine, sits there permanently, and the wireless keyboard, mouse, and X360 gamepads serve it well.
Windows 7 and DirectX 11 have been a god-send to PC gaming, making one generation of gaming and the next a minor software update without the growing pains of gimmicky launch titles, lowering graphics card requirements for games (DX11 vs DX9/DX10) while delivering visuals and sound that consoles will only briefly attain before being surpassed barely months later.

Microsoft has renewed their vows to the PC as a gaming platform, and EA has once-again acknowledged that while retail sales for the PC are uninspiring the digital retail space can only grow. The is-that-a-Jaguar-in-your-wastebasket argument might run a bit old, but doomsayers have yet to counter it. We’ve been dying since the beginning, and we’re still here.

   I've always been a sort of acolyte for the PC as the world's gaming platform and it's good to add another to the ranks of the unsung hundreds of millions. I'm on Steam as well, with more than enough games (219 to date) to find some common arenas to roughhouse in. It's good here. Welcome.
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Edited By yorro

Welcome back brrrrathah!