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My 21st Bday/First blog post/My Intro to GiantBomb

So I decided to post up a blog about my 21st birthday while I wait for my position in the Queue for FFXIV to go down. I'm not promising any form of entertainment, I just thought I'd write something, and to also clear that birst blog thing. Hey, it's content is better than the folks who are like "Yay! Blog," and that's it. At least I hope the content is better.
On July 19th, 7:19 PM, I turned 21. The day itself was rather uneventful as I just spent the afternoon cleaning house and kicking my little sister... the leaderboards on Wii Fit Plus. 
In the evening though, My dad and his friends took me to a bar to buy me my "first" public alcoholic beverage. It was a pretty fun night. My drinks consisted of two screwdrivers and nine Long-Island Ice teas. I didn't pick the drinks, I asked for suggestions, and that's what they gave me. 
(I honestly know nothing about alcohol because I've never thought it to be that big of a deal) 
We played some Pool and threw some darts, and I did pretty well I think for the amount of alcohol I had consumed. 
The night ended around 3 am, I had successfully puked 3 times, the fourth was on my dad's friend while I was heading for the trashcan... my bad. I'm not sure if I can classify as that night being my first time drunk. I didn't wake up with a hangover, I was still fairly competent the whole night, and I still remember everything. I got a little sick though, but that was probably due to amount I drank, and having never drank before, my body was probably all like "WTF?!" 
Still, good times.
But the weekend leading up to my bday was pretty rad. Some of my friends from out of town came down and hungout with me for the weekend. We went to go see Inception (Awesome movie) and played some pool and videogames. A lot of time spent was playing some new f2p mmo called Divine Souls (they brought their rig) and starting a play through of Valkyria Chronicles. One of my friends had gotten me a blu-ray version of Kung-fu hustle (fun movie), but the other two... man did they blow me out of the water. 
They got me a Hugging Pillow Case of Noel Vermillion (a lil bit NSFW) from BlazBlue. They know how much I'm obsessed with Noel (My desktop is of her, my pspGO background is of her, and for 3D dot game heroes I made an accurate representation of her for my protagonist), and I guess they thought it would be fun to import a body pillow case for me. Needless to say I though it was an awesome gift, and I do strive to own anything related to Noel. Now I just got to get my hands on that petit nendroid and this awesome Noel figure that I don't think I will ever own T_T. 
Welp! That's all I got. If you read this, thanks. If not, no biggie. I was just thinking this would be a suitable topic for my first blog on GiantBomb. My hope is to be more involved with the Community here since its such a wonderful site. I haven't been part of an online community since my MyTheme days six years ago. And I kind of miss the Spontaneous friendships that could arise from such a place. Usually I'm turned off by other site's forums because of their community. Everywhere I go I see the same overused Internet meme's and catchphrases by people who think they are being clever, and I just find it to be such a drag. Here, however, I noticed to be a little different. Also, I feel like those of us who watched the Endurance Runs in their entirety share some sort of special bond. Heh. 
I first discovered this site through Kotaku (which is slowly going downhill I feel) through some guy's comment about a Quick Look about the game in the article late last year. I was thoroughly entertained and proceeded to watch all the other QLs. And then out of curiosity I clicked the ER tab and was blown away that they had played through such a massive game, while still entertaining the audiences. When I finished the ER, I was pretty bummed out. It was the ending to one of the greatest things I had ever viewed, ever, in the form of media. 
It wasn't until the addition of quests did I slowly get more involved with the community here at GiantBomb, by making forum posts here and there. 
I own both a PS3, Wii, 360, and PC so feel free to add me on either platform. My spend most of my time on the PC and PS3 though... 
PSN: MaceX 
GT: MaceXx 
Steam: (i made that when I was like 14) 
Wii: uh, I don't really play online on it. But if I do, its monster hunter. So no need to post giant long friend code. 
Feel free to message me, I don't mind answering any questions or just chatting. 
And FF14 isn't working for me... argghhhhh. 