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I've released a new version (5.0) that adds sorting by video length and a new filter for who posted the video.

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@okayrene: The stuttering of HD videos is unfortunately a tvOS bug, one that I have submitted to apple back at the start of the year but I don't believe they've done anything with.

The good news is that because of these sorts of issues with the official GiantBomb TV app, I went ahead and created my own tvOS app. As the developer I am partial to it myself, but if you'd like to check it out search for "GB Fan" on the tvOS app store. And I've got a forum post about it here.

While the HD stuttering has been "fixed" in my app (I found a workaround), I don't normally watch live streams on it; so I'm not sure if the live stream suffers from any issues. I'll check out the live stream happening today and see if it also has the stuttering issue and if so look into a fix for it.

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Any chance we could get one additional update to the chat(s) endpoint to include the "stream" url like we get back in current-live?

I noticed today that we had 2 propeller live streams going at the same time but the site_detail_url returned "" and "" which isn't useful for me on tvOS (since I need the actual stream url to play in AVPlayer). They did return the proper file names in channel_name but not the rest of the url.

In today's case the urls I needed were: and

The above is what I'd love to see returned in a "stream" object in the chat(s) results.

It's not an issue for the twitch streams because the twitch URL is static, and maybe it's not an issue for the GB streams; but sounds like a URL that probably isn't static and I don't expect to always be able to get the proper URL by just appending the channel name to that url and adding ".m3u8" to the end of it.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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@xanadu: I've released a new version on the app store (4.3), download it and try making a new happy hour carousel again. If you still have issues and would like to send me some logs, go into the Apple TV settings -> Apps -> GB Fan and find the "enable error logging" setting and turn it on. Then force close the app (double tap menu then swipe up on the app to force close it) and re-launch it. After scrolling to the carousel and attempting to load it go into the app's settings and scroll down to the bottom and find "Error Logs" and click on it.

If you then could take a screenshot(s) of the logs you see (scroll down if necessary) and send them to me in a PM here and hopefully those should be able to help me determine what is causing the issue.

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GT just shifted to e-sports this generation. Not necessarily a bad thing (IMO), as others have pointed out it has an incredible online mode that you can get literally 1000s of hours out of. But for those that want a more offline racer, they have even put in a ton of new content that is single player (both in terms of racing AI and trying to "master" courses). Still not like the traditional GT game of starting out with a beater and slowly upgrading and purchasing slightly better cars as you go up the ranks; but aside from that the majority of the pieces are still there.

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@xanadu: While I'm trying to figure out what is going wrong and working on adding debug logging to the app, I think if you make a carousel that sorts from oldest to newest and add a premium=true filter on it you should get back (most) of the happy hour videos; along with a few others you can skip over if you want.

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#7  Edited By ev77
@xanadu said:

@ev77: sorry but im getting the same exact videos populating when I just did a filter for happy hour.

hmm, that's super strange. I'll do some digging on my end but just to make sure I've got it right:

1) Load content locally is off

2) Carousel details are: Sort = Date Old-> New, filters = name is "happy hour" (no other filters)

3) app version 4.2(5)

4) You are getting other premium videos back in other carousels

5) You've tried creating a brand new carousel (not just editing an existing one) with the same sort and filter of "happy hour" and still got the same results

That all sound right? I'll see if I'm able to reproduce it, otherwise I'll need to add some console logging into the app so on the next app update you can go into the logs and read my off what is happening to better help me figure out what is going wrong.

A final 2 questions for you:

1) What tvOS version are you on?

2) Do you have any other custom carousels with the name filter or any other filters? Could you try making another one with a name filter (of your choosing) and see if it works for them?

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@xanadu said:

@ev77: 1. I can def see and play other premium videos on other carousels.

2. I did not put them in quotes. I did have a : for Whiskey Media: Happy Hour. I tried creating a carousel without that and got the same results .

And "Load content locally when available" was turned off.

Ok, that was the problem. Try making a carousel that just filters on the name "happy hour" (no quotes). That should do it. I did make a small change for dates with how I handle URL stuff so the : is not getting encoded correctly and causing the call to "fail" and just return basic results (in your case all videos from oldest to newest). I'll fix the issue and it should be in the next release for future carousels that do need special symbols and such in them. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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#9  Edited By ev77

@xanadu said:

@ev77: im on version 4.2(5). I had just a name filter for happy hour when it worked before and set to display oldest videos first. Ive tried just remaking the carousel now with same result: the carousel shows up on the app but it doesnt list happy hour videos. I think it might just be displaying all videos from oldest to newest? The first videos that show up in the custom carousel I made with only a name filter of "happy hour" or "whiskey media: happy hour" are: NON SUBCRIBER VIDEO, What Next Generation Looked Like Back In 2004, Reviews: Bad Company Review, Giant at E3 2008: Day 03 or 04. Giant Bomb Tour, Giant Bomb at E3 2008: Day 01...the list continues with just random videos that seem to be slightly out of order? I'm really not sure whats happening to be honest.

That is definitely weird behavior as the name filter should be an official filter by Giantbomb and not require anything special on my end. What you are describing definitely seems to be just returning videos from oldest to newest.

I think maybe 1 of 2 things is happening:

1) Can you see other premium videos in your other carousels?

2) Did you put the name filter in quotes or add any other non-alphabet symbols/characters in it?

Also: Do you have "Load content locally when available" on in the settings? If so, try turning it off.

And what tvOS version is your apple tv on? (13 or 14)?

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#10  Edited By ev77

@xanadu said:

@ev77: did something change with how custom carousels work? The one I made for happy hour doesn't seem to work anymore and I can't get it pull up happy hour at all anymore

I haven't made any major changes, but there is a possibility I've introduced a bug in one of my recent versions. Can you give me a little info to help debug it?

1) What version do you have installed? (You can check in settings)

2) What filters does your custom carousel have on it?
3) Also could you describe in detail what you mean by "doesn't work anymore"? Is the carousel visible? does it just say "timed-out" all the time? etc