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Do you think this weight loss method I've tried was abit extreme? (Blog)

Basically last year I was 330 pounds, and I was willing to do anything to lose weight. I've learned about this weight loss method called Alternate Day Fasting. Where you eat one day, and don't eat nothing for the next except drink water. Now I've done this method and exercised for a year. I ended up losing 113 pounds and I now weigh 219.

It was tough and challenging, but in the end it was worth it. I can do alot more things without getting easily tired. I get complements from people who seen me when I was huge, and it feels great. Even though I still got some more weight to lose. I feel like I've accomplished something that was a burden to me, but I got people who asked me what I did to lose the weight.

I've told and explained to them what I did, and they thought the weight loss method was extreme. They thought I was crazy for even trying it. I told them this weight lose method isn't for everyone, but it worked for me. I also recommended they should try it first before bashing it, but they was afraid to do it. In the end I'm just glad I got the weight off.

Besides losing weight is just the beginning. My main goal is to start bulking once I reach 180 pounds. Anyway I like to hear what you guys think about Alternate Day Fasting.