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This was my record a few days ago:

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Nine losses in a row. I don't always win or anything crazy, but I also don't get loss streaks like that. Each match, I wondered what I was doing wrong and yet I never went to watch replays because I just wanted to get into another match and win it... And then I didn't and lost just as bad as the last time. "gg"s at the end of each of these but even though I never rage, there were times where I just felt like "BM"ing my opponent like made, especially the few times I lost to cheesing. Then today:

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An 11 win streak. I'm not even sure what changed. Maybe I was more tired in those past few days than I was today? I don't know, but I do know it messes with my mind when I'm just consistently losing and then, suddenly, winning match after match. And it makes it all the more painful when this good fortune will come to an end and I eventually find myself "gg"ing before my opponent and leaving the game.

And such are some of my woes with laddering. What are your experiences? Do you frequently experience cheesing players or bm? Are you the first person to state "gl hf" in a match or are you one to ignore it when an opponent states it themselves? When going against a Random opponent or a Zerg, I'm often suspicious when someone throws out "glhf" real early because I'm always expecting cheese, with the common greeting as a guise for what they're doing.

Are you intimidated when you ladder? I know a lot of people avoid 1v1 because they say it's stressful, but I've never found that to be the case and, if anything, I find teams to be more stressful because if I mess up, I'm letting down a team and not just myself. 

How do you react when someone is bad mannered? Do you reply with snarky comments? Do you ignore them? Are you the one who's usually bad mannered? When I encounter bm, I just smile and reply with the snarkiest of comments I can, hopefully enraging my opponent even further. It's fun.

Basically, I want us to share our impressions with laddering. 

Bonus bm images:  
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