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MegaMan X GiantBomb game now available for download =D

Voting Finished

The voting for the next Boss has been completed. Vinny Wins -_-;; Whenever I have some free time, I'll put together a Vinny Boss fight next =)

Free Game

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or at least, free boss fight =P I did a quick and dirty game jam that I sort of posted updates on here.

It's my first time attempting to build a game out for distribution so I'm not entirely sure if it'll work and how it works on other people's comps. If it doesn't work, please let me know along with whatever errors you have. If it does work, drop me a note on what you think =)

Download Ver 1.24


Keyboard and 360 controller supported

Z(keyboard) or C(keyboard), X or B on controller to shoot.

X(keyboard) or A on controller to jump.

arrow keys or d-pad for movement.

down + jump to slide.

Enter or Start to skip.

I'm not sure if there's a download limit on dropbox, but that's how I'm sharing it for now. Enjoy!

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Here is a vid of the game. I highly recommend you just play through it yourself since the entire thing is under 5 min but if you can't for whatever reason, you can still watch it here =P

Version Update Information Below

SPOILER WARNING: Click here to reveal hidden content.

If you've already installed, you must uninstall before installing the new version.

Update V1.4

added respawn on game over screen if you lose.

tweaked ryan's attack so there are no impossible situations.


adjusted attack a bit more


lowered the low platforms a bit


reduced lifetime of ryddok's bullets


added start select arrow


attempted to be compatible with more video cards by dropping DX10


fixed various bugs such as music continuing to play after ending and also being able to fire while READY is flashing

Added a SLIIIIIDEEEE!!!! Down + Jump!


C button also fires weapon to allow both left/right combinations of jump/fire


Balance changes to keep things more fair.

Ryddok no longer moves before the player can.

Humming birds further spread apart to allow dodging through any combination.

Boundaries changed to prevent extreme travel through walls for Ryddok.

Full collision with all platforms.

V1.15 ~ V1.18

Made a large amount of changes to the structure of the program to support extra bosses and potential levels.

Changed the camera to have movement functions

Begun implementing basics of Vinny as a boss character

Added a select screen in which currently only Ryan is selectable.


Quickly added a difficulty selection. You can now play the game on Easy. I'll prolly change the attack patterns a bit based on which difficulty is selected but for now, it just reduces the damage taken by Mega Man when hit.



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Edited By fobwashed

@Rolyatkcinmai said:

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Lol, fantastic =P

@Morbid_Coffee said:

@Fobwashed said:

Looks like I'll have to make Vinny even harder to beat. . .

Looking forward to it. I have more soul left to lose for self gratification.

Also don't take my gripes as complaints against the game. Most of them just stem from trying to do a perfect run, and as I said, it plays pretty great when you're not trying to be a perfectionist. The lack of a tell on the dash is pretty much the only legitimate gripe.

Nah, your gripes are legitimate playtest feedback =) I'm still thinking about adding a tell for the dash, but I'll have to get back to it later on after I finish up the next bit I'm putting my spare time into.

@EnduranceFun said:

I may drop some boss ideas in here at some point. Look out yo.

Feel free to. I've already got a pretty solid idea of what I'm going to do for Vinny and worked up some mock ups, but I'm always open to suggestions.

@freakin9 said:


jesus, that's a overly hard first boss.

nice work though.

For now ;-)

@Bourbon_Warrior said:

Ryan needed a knife attack that wen UGH UGH UGH UGH

Maybe I'll do that. Change it to knives I mean =P

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Edited By colmarr

This is pretty great, but I would appreciate good old Megaman style of boss select.

At Rydok fight I feel that the hummingbirds should come in fixed pattern or atleast fixed heights. It would make that the fight has less of bullshit moments based on luck. I also would appreciate if rydoks projectiles would have little longer pause before shooting the next patch of em.

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Edited By fobwashed

@colmarr said:

This is pretty great, but I would appreciate good old Megaman style of boss select.

At Rydok fight I feel that the hummingbirds should come in fixed pattern or atleast fixed heights. It would make that the fight has less of bullshit moments based on luck. I also would appreciate if rydoks projectiles would have little longer pause before shooting the next patch of em.

Sure thing. New version has a boss select screen for you. I haven't reworked ryddok though -_-;; I'll eventually do another balance pass once I finish up at least a beta of Vinny. Things also seem to be running strangely slow so I'll have to do some profiling to see why the hell something so simple is having trouble running fast.

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Edited By colmarr

@Fobwashed: Much appreciated. Anything worth doing isn't easy as the saying goes.

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Edited By Paindamnation

Man Fuck Ryan Davis. The difficulty of the first level is ridiculous, Ryan has like a full health bar, and like two shots knock you down to 75%. There needs to be a difficulty setting. Impressive game though, just wish it wasn't so unfair from the get-go.

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Edited By fobwashed

@Paindamnation said:

Man Fuck Ryan Davis. The difficulty of the first level is ridiculous, Ryan has like a full health bar, and like two shots knock you down to 75%. There needs to be a difficulty setting. Impressive game though, just wish it wasn't so unfair from the get-go.

Added a quick and dirty easy mode for you =) Link to DL should be the newest one in the OP, or just click to here

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This is epic!

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Edited By fini_fly

Probably too much to ask for, but how about Luchadeer filling in for Rush?