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How I'm going to become CEO of Activision

TL;DR question: Anyone else looking for a job?  
I've just returned from China with a degree in marketing management. So after years of essentially drinking and the occasional reading, it hit me: Shit just got real.  

 Sorry, I had to. I'm a sucker for anything where the joke is in the use of words.
 Sorry, I had to. I'm a sucker for anything where the joke is in the use of words.
 I need to find a job. After two weeks of applying I've realized that most companies out there wouldn't recognize a talent if it sat on their face. I mean come on,  sometimes I think my resume makes me look over qualified: 
Job objective: Make enough money for a place to live, and some food until I have enough experience to get a better job with better pay. 
Skills: None that makes me stand out from the crowd, because I have no marketing experience except the shaping of my online dating profile, but I can't say that was a huge success, I'm still single and my life is miserable. 
Experience: Burger flipping. 
Education: Kind of relying on the fact that I studied in China. Is that interesting? No? Come on 我会说汉语
 Haha oh look, another freshly graduated idiot! We're so much better than him!
 Haha oh look, another freshly graduated idiot! We're so much better than him!
 But I'm starting to realize that I need to start somewhere really low. I do not have experience, I do not have any particular skills, but damnit I have potential. The job market in the video game industry is really tight, so there's NO WAY that I can start there. So here's my strategy: 
Hopefully I'll land an entry level job in advertisement selling. From there I'll network with people, and ofcourse gain an understanding on how advertisements are sold and so on. The hard part will be to prove my worth, so I need to practise my presentation skills. After a year or two I'm moving on to something somewhat bigger. I'll probably have to work as a seller a bit more before I can land the kind of job that is fun in marketing. To take part in decisions that affect how to shape the marketing to fit with the strategy of the company and reach the visions and so on. 
From there on out IT IS ON. Before you know it I'm managing in a respected marketing firm, and when there's an opening for a marketer in the video games industry then BAM.  
---Product manager 
------Senior product manager 
---------Associate General Manager 
------------General Manager 
------------------C mother E fucking O


( •_•)>⌐■-■


 Look out Kotick. Enjoy it while it lasts.  
And now I am going to call a potential employer. Wish me luck. 
Also, I asked this in the beginning but are there others out there applying for jobs? Is it hard to find anything on your profession?