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GOTY 2014

This was maybe not the hugest year for games, but it definitely felt like one. Most of the games on my list were games that we've been collectively waiting on for many months, or in some cases, years. Finally seeing these come out was a joy for me.

List items

  • Specifically, P.T. Scariest game I've played, besides Eternal Darkness. Bought a PS4 just to be able to keep playing this I loved it so much. Absolutely the most impressive thing I played this year.

  • Incredible soundtrack, beautiful visuals. Very tight mechanics. The most mind-blowing final boss that I never saw coming.

  • Both games, but mostly this first one. Great tension. Cult classic. Great idea to distract the player from preparing for jumpscares, then using jumpscares.

  • Challenging and thoroughly satisfying. Everything I wanted from a dark souls game.

  • Never saw it coming. Released April 1st. Hours of laughter and fun. We still play this. What amazing humour.

  • Made into a proper competitive fighting game. Incredibly fun. Little Mac fo days.

  • Fixed assassin's creed and combined it with Batman. Made slicing through orcs very fluid and satisfying.

  • Gameplay wasn't astounding, but thematically excellent. Great capture of what depression/anxiety looks like. Powerful message.

  • Pure gameplay brilliance. Satisfying sound design. Solved common CoD problems with neat tools. Enjoyed every second of multiplayer I played.

  • Another huge surprise. Excellent design and minimalist concept. Old-school punishing difficulty. Makes commutes awesome.