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I Was About Ready to Give Up on Next Gen!

Sony saves me for the next generation of gaming systems.

Something I edited together last night.
Something I edited together last night.

I was just about ready to give up on this entire next generation of gaming systems after the XBOX One announcements. I don't like some company mandating to me on how to use the system I paid for. One of the biggest issues I had was that 24 hr. check in or you can't even use offline functions. Don't even get me started on the Microsoft press conference. They basically tell you that if you don't have high speed internet or don't want your system online, then just go buy their left overs that they're going to stop supporting in a year or so.

Everyone was so convinced that the PS4 was going to have all these same issues. I don't need to play games. I'd just like to, and I wasn't going to jump through their hoops like some trained monkey.. Thankfully, Sony saved the day for me. They are going to have none of those restrictions, no creepy "always on" camera", and at a lower cost.

The only real change Sony is making is putting a gate up on the once free multiplayer. That's fine. I really don't care much for multiplayer games to begin with. I don't even use that function on some of the games I own (ASSASSIN'S CREED 3). The only multiplayer I even play now is UNCHARTED 3. I actually bought UC3 partly becasue I had so much fun with the UC2 multiplayer -- both competitive and co-op. (I've posted some You Tube videos of some of my UC3 games in my Giant Bomb blogs.) I own PERSONA 4 ARENA, but I've only played one online match since buying it -- for the trophy -- and I won that fight.

I'm a casual gamer, don't find any appeal in paying for access to features in the game I purchased. Feels more like I'm renting the game. It's not as if we all don't know that more and more games are just going to start adding more micro transactions to these online multiplayers. They want me to pay to play, and their added features? No thanks. I can pass on that.

Ultimately, there's no way in hell I'd buy a PS4 on launch. I remember all the issues the PS3 had at the beginning. Better to wait down the line for them to iron out all the issues, then put out a better version -- at possibly an even lower price by then. It just feels that Sony has completely undercut Microsoft. When the holiday season comes around, and the non-hardcores are deciding which to buy. Odds are strong that people will pick the one that costs less and has no restrictions.