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I are comfortable.

Today i came to the realisation that, for the first time since i got into gaming, i'm completely happy/comfortable with my current games. I mean, i'm not just killing time before the next release anymore.
I was one of those people that didn't get a ps3 until a couple of months ago, but i spent the year prior just OD-ing on info and videos on the net. So ever since getting the ps3 i've just been finally getting my hands on all the games i wanted before. I would be fine with my current collection for probably about a year, without getting any new games, and it's a great feeling. The main games i'm talking about are;

  • MGS4
  • GTA4
  • Skate
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

I mean, i have Uncharted, Resistance, The Darkness aswell, but i've played nothing but these 4 games since the release of gta4, and i'm still just as hyped about each of them as i was when i first got them. They're all great games, Skate's probably the less durable of the lot, but the online should keep it going a little longer. I'm still ploughing through lego star wars, almost reached the 70% mark today after about 27 hours of gameplay, and i haven't looked at the online yet.
MGS and GTA offline are still going strong, i just finished GTA again and i'm working on my drebin points situation on MGS, so once that gets old, i'm sure to see how the online holds up.

Are you guys in a similar position? Or what would your list of games be if you were only allowed to play a few for the rest of your life.

(also, the music from Super Mario Land one is so much better than i remember)


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Edited By fraser

Today i came to the realisation that, for the first time since i got into gaming, i'm completely happy/comfortable with my current games. I mean, i'm not just killing time before the next release anymore.
I was one of those people that didn't get a ps3 until a couple of months ago, but i spent the year prior just OD-ing on info and videos on the net. So ever since getting the ps3 i've just been finally getting my hands on all the games i wanted before. I would be fine with my current collection for probably about a year, without getting any new games, and it's a great feeling. The main games i'm talking about are;

  • MGS4
  • GTA4
  • Skate
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

I mean, i have Uncharted, Resistance, The Darkness aswell, but i've played nothing but these 4 games since the release of gta4, and i'm still just as hyped about each of them as i was when i first got them. They're all great games, Skate's probably the less durable of the lot, but the online should keep it going a little longer. I'm still ploughing through lego star wars, almost reached the 70% mark today after about 27 hours of gameplay, and i haven't looked at the online yet.
MGS and GTA offline are still going strong, i just finished GTA again and i'm working on my drebin points situation on MGS, so once that gets old, i'm sure to see how the online holds up.

Are you guys in a similar position? Or what would your list of games be if you were only allowed to play a few for the rest of your life.

(also, the music from Super Mario Land one is so much better than i remember)
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Edited By Rezzolution

I'm actually in a pretty different situation. Trying to find what to play next and so on. Your situation is probably better lol. And cheaper. But that's cool man. I loved all of those games though I never gave The Complete Saga an honest go. I wanna do that at some point but I think i'm gonna hold off for a while.

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Edited By AndyWilliams24

Yeah, i'm exactly the same. MGS4 + GTAIV + Rock Band. That's all I need.

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Edited By pill92

GTA online is rubbish

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Edited By dj

I rocking C.O.D. 4, Rock Band, and Lumines. A perfect mix for me.

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Well, I really wish I could get into a game long enough to get really good at it, but with reviews and writing I need to plow through games pretty quickly.  I would love to spend more time with Battlefield: Bad Company.

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I do need to get back into GTA IV. I really want to get 100% done.

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Edited By GunstarRed

LSW:TCS is just packed with things, If i wasnt  so obsessively completist with certain things it could have taken me a good couple of months to 100% the game.. Its funny because lsw2 without the new trilogy stuff in there takes a whole lot longer to get a full 100%

MGS4 drained me after one playthrough but i went  back and got the altair/solar gun combo...I havent had any kind of urge to go back to it despite it being hands down my favourite game of the year. mgo  felt  horrible I just couldnt "get" it  i will let the defenders of its  unique workings keep it for themselves, It just seems very hard to want anything other that cod4 when multiplayer is concerned.

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Edited By phlegms

I have gaming ADD so I can get bored of games really easy. I rarely stick all the way through a game to finish it, and despite the daunting backlog of games I have to play through I'm already planning my next purchase.