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2011's 1997 Game Of The Year (Every years 1997 Game Of The Year)

 Harvest Moon
 Harvest Moon
It's that time of year again - looking back, dusting off the old machines and realising how different the world of gaming is today. I go back to play Harvest Moon SNES once a year just to see how it's holding up. I think that it's one of the greatest games ever created, if not the best. The same thing is coming to my mind every year - why must every single developer today focus on having everything in their games? Why not have three main things and make them perfect. Here's how Harvest Moon works - you arrive to a town, you have to talk with every person before your guide takes you to your home for three years - you farm. After that, everything is in your hands and at the end you'll see a short recap in form of stats about your years playing. It's simple as that. There are a couple of ways you can play the game - you'll either focus on your animals or your fruits/vegetables. You can do both but I find maxing one of those out more entertaining. You'll also have too choose if you want to "macro" or "micro". Are you gonna plant cheap stuff that are gonna give you little money in a short time or expensive stuff and make a lot of money in some extra days. It's simple as that and it works fine. And also, by being so simple and great, you can go back and play it over again and try new routes out. 
I am kind of impressed by how great Harvest Moon is. Graphically it's kind of crazy because it looks great, kind of in the same way The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past looks great. And also - it's easy to play it for five minutes and also to play it for five hours. I really hope that either Sony or Nintendo will buy out this franchise and do something cool with it. Nintendo is obviously wanting the money out of it buy putting the same game out every single year. Anyway - check Harvest Moon out, it's a fantastic game.