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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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4th of July... Gay

First off, I hope that you all had a good 4th of July. Doing nothing stupid I hope. Haha. My 4th of July sucked balls. I had to go to a wedding, my cousins wedding. I passed out last night while watching A Scanner Darkly. So I was dead tired when I woke up. I woke up around 11. My sister (who is my cousins bridesmade in the wedding) told me we had to be there A.S.A.P so we could help get ready. Fuck, I had to throw some clothes on and grab the ones I was going to wear to the wedding. So I got there, half asleep and helped get some things ready.

So I went back to the house where the groom and his groomsmen were at and chilled there for 4 hours. I don't know where most of you are from, but it rained here in Northeastern Indiana. So for the most part of the wedding it rained. I had to video tape it in the rain grr. It was a mild rain I guess, so I got pretty wet. It did that all day. In fact, it's 11p.m here, and it's still raining. Most of the firework stuff got delayed until tomorrow.

So me, my sister and her boyfriend decided to make a sparkler bomb. We couldn't find any electrical tape in the house, so we tried to use some regular tape. Though it didn't make a big boom, dear god did it make a flash. That thing burst into flames, quite awesome. Though disappointed, we headed to Wal-mart to get some electrical tape. They were sold out. So we headed home, heads down in shame and just played with sparklers for the rest of the night. Fucking awesome right. I hope the rest of you had a good one though.

Thanks for reading