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Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday

Yeah. It's August, almost September and I'm totally going to be that guy to already do my picks. These all aren't final, keep that in mind. I just feel like telling you all, my gb friends, what I think have been the best games I've played this year.... so far. Hope you enjoy. (All games were played on the PS3)


Best Downloadable Game

That's right. I picked that as my favorite downloadable game of the year. For those of you that don't know, it's a online shooter with western themes. I feel as if I'll be the ONLY one to include this in any of their lists. It's a fun little game, it looks good, plays pretty well. The only bad thing about it is that it drops you after each match, usually. So you'll have to go back into the lobby and join a new game. But the overall experience is fun enough to overlook that. That being said, it's more fun with players who know how to have some teamwork. But that's only for a few modes, most modes don't require that. All of the four classes play very differently, which is to be expected. There's a Deputy with a rifle, Gunslinger with a handgun, Blaster with a double barrel shotgun, and a Trapper who snipes. I found myself using the Deputy almost every time. The Blaster is the strongest out of all of them but with only two shots it's not very effective. But it also does the most damage. The game also looks pretty damn good for a downloadable game. Hell it looks better them most disc games. Fatshark, ex GRIN devs, has made a pretty damn good online shooter.  
Runner up - Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game - It's a damn good game, but the poor controls and random spikes in difficulty make it more frustrating to play then it should be. 

Best Story

I'm a huge BioShock fan. Loved the story, gameplay, character etc. And the sequel hits pretty much all of those notes. Oh and the story is pretty damn good. You play as the first Big Daddy who is brought back to life after being shot. But by who?? The story has some twists and turns that might not have had as big of a impact as the first game but it's pretty good.  
Runner up - Heavy Rain - Trust me, this has a damn good story. It came down to which one I liked the most.  

Best Visuals

3D Dot Game Heroes

Who knew it didn't take super real textures or character models to make a game look good. From Software simply put fucking small blocks together and made one of the best looking games of 2010. It's a unique look and it carries the game a very long way. It never gets old and is pretty humorous in some of their character designs. More devs should realize that to make a game look good, it doesn't have to have super real visuals.  
Runner up - Red Dead Redemption - Read what I just wrote and think the opposite.  

Most Disappointing Game

Lost Planet 2

One of the first blogs I wrote on the site was about how awesome I thought Lost Planet 2 was going to be. I had such high hopes for that game, it could have been awesome. But Capcom fucked that up pretty good. They overlooked all of their offline gamers and focused 100%on online gaming. It's pathetic. A lot of gamers out there don't have the ability to get online to game. That being said, the single player is nothing but a online mode with bots and the AI is dumber then goddamn rocks. During one level, you have to shoot a a Akrid with a giant gun. They staked up all the ammo where it's supposed to be loaded, I couldn't load it at all. That boss battle was too hard cause of that. Capcom should be ashamed with this game, it's trash. 
Runner up - Red Dead Redemption - As of right now this game holds the runner up spot. 

Best Game I Played That Didn't Come Out This Year

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time 
I got a late start on this game. I played Tools of Destruction last year and loved it but didn't pick this on up till about February. It's a hell of a game. Looks great, plays great but I felt that it wasn't as good as Tools of Destruction. But I feel that game is one of the best games on the PS3 so it had big shoes to fill. It was the first game I got a platinum in, yes I played it twice. And I enjoyed every minute of it. 
Runner up - BioShock - I wanted to put Batman: AA in the runner up spot but BioShock is so damn good. 

Game of the Year

BioShock 2

I really feel like 2K Marin and all of the other 20 developers of this game has made the best game this year. It's a well done shooter with a fantastic story to be told. I loved it so. BUT there's a ton of new games to come out that have lots of promise. So this could change, and you know what. I hope it changes. Not that I don't like BioShock 2, I love the damn game, I say that because this game came out in what February? If no game can beat that in 10 months, that shows a lack of great games this year.  
Runner up - WHO FUCKING KNOWS!! 
Hope you enjoyed the read. At the end of the year this will probably change and have more categories so check in then!! 
Thanks for reading, 