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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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This is 2009. Part 1.

Alright, you all know I know what year it is. But I have done some serious gaming this year. Here in Indiana we've had a pretty shitty summer. It's been cloudy, raining almost everyday etc. So I have been inside most of the time playing games. I have played a good amount of games this year so I decided to make a list. A list of the best games I have played this year. Now, there will be some games on here that are from a couple of years ago. This is a list for any game I have played this year, this is not a "Best game of 2009 thus far" kind of blog. There will be games from '06, '07 etc. Here we go, part 1.

Bionic Commando

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GRIN isn't the most well known developer out there, yet Capcom trusted them with the new Bionic Commando game. I never got to play the first one, but that didn't stop me from playing the new installment. The game is beautiful. The buildings look pretty good and there is a very nice selective blur. Character models look fantastic and Nathan looks very good when flying through the air. The biggest surprise to me has to be the melee in this game. Now, I know the game wasn't met to melee focused but I thought it worked great. It was very satisfying to run up to a guy and punch him right in the face.  Though at times the controls got buggy and didn't respond all to well. That didn't happen to often enough for me to think any of it. The story of the game isn't something to jump about. It has it's moments, but GRIN really wanted you to focus on swinging. That's really what it comes down to. If you like to just have fun, like swinging and things like that, you'll love this game. But if you're expecting a epic story line, well look elsewhere. Though that being said, the game does pick up on the story near the end and it has a nice twist. The voice acting was very surprising. Mainly because Mike Patton of Faith No More does the voice of Nathan. When I first heard that before I got the game I thought that was a dumb ass idea. I have to say, he doesn't do a bad job at all.

GRIN has made a great game here. Though I can see it being over looked. I feel this is a game that you either like it or you don't. GRIN missed some opportunity with the swinging. They made it to linear. You would think with having that ability they would have let you go anywhere, sadly this didn't happen. Now this is one of the best games I have played this year because. It was exactly what I wanted. A great looking game, with a decent story and great voice acting. Now go out and get this game if you haven't already. I saw it at Gamestop for $20 new. Go buy it and do GRIN a much needed favor.

Fallout 3

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Yes this game came out in 2008, and that's when I bought it. I beat it with in a couple of weeks and enjoyed the hell out of it. Almost right after beating it I went to play it again and do all the side stuff I missed. I did that in about January and played once more up until about May of this year. I loved this game. The atmosphere of this game is pretty good, it's nothing like Far Cry 2 but still. The create a character ability goes pretty deep. I made myself, and amazingly a ginger can save the world. The game has a wide amount of characters you can meet. You can find a town full of cannibals and a town full of kids, great stuff. You can switch between 1st and 3rd person to shoot. I like the 3rd person I won't lie. I only did it when I walked around. It really helps you see the area around you and helps you find enemies better I think. Though the character animations are pretty shitty. The first time I played through this game I had no problems. And before that all I heard was how buggy the game was. It wasn't until the mid way through my second play through when I noticed some of the glitches. Random things fell from the sky, people go stuck into walls and doors, lines filled the screen. It was a awkward site. I don't think that glitches should define a game. Yes it had it's problems, but who cares. The game was so big it had to have problems. You could have put the best development team together and I don't think they could make a glitch free game. It happens. I love the glitches in the game, they gave me a good laugh, and all I had to do was walk on after seeing it.

So why is this game one of the best I have played this year? Because Bethesda made one of the best game experiences to date. I just enjoyed walking around the waste, not doing any missions just walking. Listening to the games awesome music and listening to what Three Dog had to say about me. To me that is something special

In Part 2 I'm going to talk about inFAMOUS and God of War: Chains of Olympus.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Feel free to list the best games you have played this year.

Thanks for reading