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I bought a Harpejji and it arrived, so I made a video

Back in October 2009 I ordered this...thing. It's a plank of wood with strings on it and it makes noise, kind of like them geetars the kids are into. It's a 24-string tapping instrument. It's tuned to a whole tone scale (C, D, E, F#, G#, A#). It also has some interesting tech built into it. The bass and melody strings go through separate built-in pre-amps. When you lift your finger off a string it stops immediately thanks to the per-string mute system. Also, it sustains forever, which is weird.
Anyways, a few months into the build they offered to upgrade it from the D1 to the new K24 model they were working on, but that it would add a few extra months to the build. Decline a free upgrade? Hell no! So now, nearly seven months later, it has finally arrived. Yay!  

A few images for those who are allergic to videos: 

In Other News

I saw a squirrel. It was going like this. *squirrel*