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By the power of Greyskull!

So as many of you will have noticed by now i'm a moderator here on the GiantBomb. Its not as bad as many people seem to think it is mainly because the community here is pretty awesome at self regulating and using their common sense, just goes to show a heavy handed approach at moderations isn't the only way to keep law and order on a website.

One thing i'll ask is no more PM's on how to become a moderator, i don't mind them but really there is no clear cut answer on how to attain the position. Its all really down to luck which as we all know is random at best.

So with that out of the way i'm going to go play some TF2, when i get back there better not be any pictures posted that will make me want to stab forks into my eyes to try and forget what i've seen....

Peace out Bomb Squad!