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Does this shit still work?

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FailFox - Oh And A Big Thanks!

FireFox has failed me for the last time. The past few days have involved the loss of two different blogs, three emails and a stock report for work. It crashes again it gets uninstalled and replaced by something more stable. I am tired of trying to google self-help guides or topics on fixing this damned browser and its bloody crashes.

That being said thanks to everyone who took time to read my last blog and nominate it for inclusion into the Community Spotlight topic. I appreciate the support and interest from the community.

Also for those interested Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has reached nearly $400,000,000 at the box office after receiving negative reviews from practically every self proclaimed film 'critic' out there. I suggest these critics go tie a noose around their necks and do us all a favour by hanging themselves, pretentious bastards. Although I do think this raises a significant question, are movie critics out of touch with what they think audiences will enjoy? Or is the film critic business / industry just become overly pretentious and smothered in their own ego?

PS - I enjoyed the film. Bloody good fun to watch. Oh and The Conduit looks horrible, is this really mean't to be the game that makes people value the Wii as a serious competitor to the PC / 360 / PS3 in regards to games that aren't party orientated? Really?