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I, Gamer pt 4: (Console) War is Hell

1993. Dad and I just came back from the video rental place, but unfortunately we came back empty-handed. They were all sold out, and we had to wait a few weeks until the new shipment came. We ordered a SNES with no game and a extra third party controller with auto-fire. In the mean time I told Eric and a couple of neighborhood kids about it and their reactions ranged from "Oh my god, you got a Super Nintendo?!" excitement to "Lame. Everyone knows the Mega Drive is better!" fanboyish dismissals. Eric was the president of the Sega Fanboy Party and wouldn't leave me alone with his speeches of "How stupid are you to buy Nintendo?" or "We could trade games and stuff if you had bought a Mega Drive".

 The first game I've ever  finished!
 The first game I've ever finished!
He had a point with the last one, though. The thing is that I no longer trusted the guy after all that happened during the last year, and the SNES felt like a better console to me.
So, a Friday night a couple of weeks later, dad took me to the rental store to pick up the console and rent a game for me to spend the week. He said that this time he wouldn't buy that bunch of games and peripherals that ended up forgotten a few weeks latter, like he did with the master system. So instead, we would rent games this time around. He let me choose one game to spend the weekend. I wanted Street Fighter II but all copies were already rented, just like every high profile game on the place. So I chose this cavemen thingy, Joe & Mac instead. Like I said earlier, I had never finished a game so far. And Joe & Mac was the game that broke that shameful record. I played that game nonstop since I was supposed to return it Monday at noon. I recon I clocked over 30 hour between friday night and monday morning when I finally killed my White Whale. It felt exhilarating. From now on I was playing to win.
It was around this time that I started to buy  video games magazines for reviews, guides and cheats.
 "All multiplat games are better on Sega. FACT!"
The most popular at the time was called Ação Games. About 80% of their coverage focused on Mega Drive and Super Nintendo games, with the rest being a misc of PC (which were still fairly uncommon in the country), Arcade and other consoles. The magazine was ok, but had a tendency to be biased towards the Sega systems. I mean, 70% of the ads in the magazine were Tec Toy's, the company that managed and distributed Sega consoles and games here. And that fucking fueled the console war in my neighborhood at least. I hated the whole thing at first, I never liked giving people a hard time it. But fuck that, assholes were badmouthing my console! FINAL FIGHT WAS BETTER THAN STREETS OF RAAAAAGE!!!11! ARRRGH, SO ANGRY!!1!
By the time it was 94 the SNES had been officially released on the country and the thing started selling like hot cakes. I think Nintendo won the Console War here on that generation. I won't kid you, it felt great to be on the winning side.