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Any word on PC-version fix?

I bought the PC version of Far Cry 3 (a really excellent game) because people said it was the best one. Not going to argue about that (not having seen it run on consoles), but what really bothers me is the quality of this version coming from Borderlands 2.

It goes from full screen to windowed mode everytime I alt+tab. It's an easy fix going through the options, but still really annoying.

It crashes from time to time. My game just crashed, and my friends game crashed three times during co-op yesterday. We both own fairly new high-end PC's.

Also, you have to make sure to install the game in english, or else it's going to end up in your standard language. I don't mind reading norwegian, but the translation is at some points bad, and you can't change the language after it has been installed (Steam overrides this, but I don't own the Steam-version).

The keyboard controls are poorly optmialized, especially in the menus where you can't even scroll with the mousewheel and the menus aren't really good in the first place.