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#1  Edited By hpv

I was told that the PS3 version wasn't as good as the 360's (which felt really smooth at PAX), but how bad is it in real world terms?  Are there any games that you can compare the framerate to?  Did you play any Saints Row 2 online that you could give us an over/under on?  Because that framerate was kind of shit but the game was still playable and a ton of fun.
And how big is the install?

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#2  Edited By hpv
@VisariLoyalist said:
" your just a mercenary endlessly killing hordes of enemies for no reason other than to buy more guns. It's paradise, don't question it. "
Now if they'd just throw in some zombies to kill with all those guns and it'd be perfect... oh wait!
I'm actually kind of glad there story isn't that big of a deal, since I'll be playing co-op almost exclusively and that makes it really hard to pay attention to the story if there is one.  I'm still not sure wtf was going on in the second half of Saints Row 2 or any of Resident Evil 5, though I'm not sure anyone knows wtf that shit was about except that Chris Redfield had an accident involving DNA-combining radiation and a frog.
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#3  Edited By hpv
@lawlerballer said:

" @hpv: That's wierd, cuz Randy Pitchford and his grandma told me that the 360 version looks/runs better. He said while the 360 version runs at over 9000 fps and has graphics only dreams are made of, the ps3 version sadly ran at a whopping -10 fps and looks like my toilet bowl after some bad mexican food.  Seriously dude they look the same and run the same nice try though. "

Have you talked to Randy Pitchford about it?  I didn't think so.  I have, and that's what he told me.
This shouldn't be surprising in the least as the 360's GPU is a bit more powerful than the PS3's and when developers aren't targeting the PS3 exclusively it's a bit easier (or a lot easier for the developers who just suck) to get a better framerate out of the hardware.  This has been widely reported.  Obviously when targeting the PS3 hardware properly and unloading some of the graphics rendering to the SPUs (as Naughty Dog has done with Uncharted 2) they're going to get excellent framerates and graphics that probably can't be done on a 360.  That the 360 outputs slightly more washed out colors than the PS3 in most circumstances, though I've never seen anyone specifically point out why.  Randy Pitchford described it as "something about the 360's video output" if I remember correctly, but as that was almost two months ago he might have used slightly different words.
The lead programmer on Dragon Age told me almost the exact same thing about his game.  I haven't played either on PS3 but I can vouch for both of them looking great, running smooth, and being a ton of fun on 360, since that's what they were demoing on.  I'm positive they'll both be great on PS3, which is where I'll be playing them exclusively unless my computer can handle Borderlands decently and then I might have to double dip.
I don't know what you think I was "trying" to do, but I'm glad you think I did a "nice" job at it.  Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
Considering that the closest you've gotten to any version of the game is watching videos on the Internet that don't come close to doing the game's graphics justice you really should shut the fuck up.  Now calm your ass down, you're being obnoxious.
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#4  Edited By hpv

For the appearance they're basically using a gigantic collection of parts that can be put together by their "virtual manufacturer" program to produce the crazy number of guns they're using.  The individual characteristics of the guns will still vary even if the weapon looks similar or identical to another one, though it's possible you'll at some point find two guns that are exactly identical.  The odds aren't that long and I doubt they're keeping score to make sure they never drop the same gun twice.

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#5  Edited By hpv
@Noodles said:
" PC. Why the hell would you buy a shooter on a console if you have a nice gaming rig? "
So you can sit on the couch and be comfortable.  At this point I'll take a gamepad over mouse and keyboard almost any day of the week because it's more comfortable to play.
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#6  Edited By hpv

I haven't been this excited for a game since I got my SNES with Super Mario World.  And that was before I played it at PAX.
I really wish I hadn't watched the Quick Look tonight, Tuesday is already so damn far away!

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#7  Edited By hpv
@Raven_Sword said:

" Im jsut assuming it might be more vibrant on 360, adn more "washed out" on PS3. im basing this off of Prince of Persia, which had a similar art style. "

Randy Pitchford told me at PAX that the PS3 version looks a little better, more vibrancy to the colors in particular, but that the 360 version's framerate is a bit better.  He described it as a solid 30-45fps on PS3 and 30-60fps on 360.  The lead programmer on Dragon Age told me the same thing about Dragon Age.  Usually that's the way games come out, though obviously there are exceptions.
I could believe PoP looks more vibrant on the 360 (not having played it) since the PS3 version is a little washed out.  The art style in that game actually isn't similar to Borderlands at all, though.  It might look a bit like it in video but in person it's very different.  Neither game shows very well in video (or screenshots) compared to what they look like in motion.
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#8  Edited By hpv
@jakob187 said:
" My sole issue with this game is that I'm not playing it yet.  Your issue probably won't matter by the 100th playthrough. "
I'm hpv and I endorse this message.
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#9  Edited By hpv

I'm getting it on PS3, but if they put out a demo and it runs smooth enough on my computer I'll pick up the Windows version as well.  And I might have to GameFly a 360 copy if enough of my friends pick it up there.  How come there is no "All of the Above" option in this poll?  And why isn't it fucking Tuesday yet!??!

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#10  Edited By hpv

You should have thrown Katamari Forever (or wtf the 360 version is called [edit: it's Beautiful Katamari, but I'm proud not to have remembered that because that game is bullshit]) on this list.  I didn't have a 360 at the time so I never played it and have no interest now that I do have one, but something like half of the levels ON THE DISC were unlocked via DLC that totaled something in the neighborhood of 50% of the disc price.  I'm not sure any other game comes even close to that nonsense.
I hope we can get a nice balance between price and added features from DLC *and* get people to shut the fuck up about it.  If you don't like it or think it costs too much, don't buy it.  If it's an issue of that stuff being on the disc and you don't think what they're letting you play is worth the money then don't buy the game in the first place.  Because that's really the problem with these games that sell you on-disc unlock codes.  That sort of thing happens ALL the time with computer software and you don't see people complaining that their copy of Windows only lets them use Home Basic because that's what they paid for when Ultimate is "OMFG ON THE DISC!!!"
I guess I'm just lucky that I don't like shit games and that shit games are the ones that tend to have these shenanigans wrapped up in them.