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Most Disappointing Games of 2015

Here they are: The cream of the crop. These are the top 10 games that made me yell, scream, and/or cry due to how painfully bad they were, or how they did not live up to their predecessors.

This was kind of a bad year for big budget games and sequels.

List items

  • This game managed to tell the most convoluted story in the worst way possible. The structure of how missions were provided to me made me want to stop playing. I ended up forcing myself to play through it and was thoroughly disappointed. Even the combat left a bad taste in my mouth, because the missions were so repetitive that I grew tired of it really fast. Everything was a bummer. I hate this game for what it does to this series.

  • This is probably the worst Halo game ever made (maybe tied with 4). The campaign was laughably short and the story was just dumb. At least it didn't waste too much time, but the multiplayer is where the real shitshow is. The time to kill is ridiculous, and the map designs are horrendous. Sprinting once again ruins the flow of everything, and the weapons are unbalanced in the worst possible way. Why would I want to start with ARs on a medium-sized map? So that I can come up against another player who has a BR and have no chance? Oh right. What a frustrating letdown of a game.

  • Batman should not be stuck in the repetitive, uninspired world design of Batman Arkham Knight. The side quests are stupid and each progression of a questline never evolves into anything new. Each race is just a race, and each villain chase is the same every time. One might think, well they are just sides and the main story is still there. Well, it stinks. The revelation amounts to a big wet fart, and the character of the Arkham Knight brings everything down. The joker is the only reason this isn't higher on this list.

  • Siege is a game that has significant connectivity issues. I spent a long time just trying to find matches, getting kicked out of matches, and sometimes received no reward for completing matches. Not only that, but this game gets old really fast. You do the same thing over and over on both offense and defense, and I can't believe they did not include anything other than a piss-poor terrorist hunt mode. Some characters feel useless in comparison to others, gun selection is limited to 2-3 weapons per character, and the parts of structures that cannot be destroyed really stick out. The shooting feels okay but, besides that, I don't see the value in every owning this game.

  • Rico had one solid entry in his series, and this is not the one. Just Cause 3 drops the ball by forcing players to complete various, tedious challenges to unlock mods. These mods are one of the few things that actually change things up in a game that is very repetitive. Mods such as 'aim down sight' should never be walled behind stupid challenges. This game can be fun, but it is just structured so poorly, and the gameplay barely evolves as a result.

  • Hardline is a game I attempted to support on multiple occasions. Sadly, the developers at Visceral did not take their concept of a cops and robbers themed game far enough to subvert the easy comparisons to Battlefield 4. As a result, this game feels like Battlefield 4 with less content, and worse spawns. The only new mode, hotwire, was ruined by the poor design decision of placing RPGs in the trunks of cars. Instead of chasing the cars and maintaining control of them, players are rewarded for grabbing RPGs and camping on street corners for easy RPG kills. The maps lend themselves poorly to most other gametypes and caused this game to die an early death.

  • This might have been the most frustrating game I played all year. It is just a travesty to what the original Geometry Wars on 360 accomplished. Deaths feel cheap, and it's just not fun. I just don't want to ever think about this game ever again. Fuck this game.

  • So, I kind of still like Mad Max. If it wasn't for the movie, I might have liked it more, but it's just so boring. Driving around a desert looking for scraps should not be the meat of a Mad Max game. The driving controls are just not fun, and that causes the few unique car-combat encounters to suffer. This game is okay, but should have been so much more. Avalanche studios... this was not a good year for you guys.