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Games I played in 2021

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  • The core is still more Monster Hunter with the good and the bad of the grind, but load times being good while shrinking the area you need to run around in the village are both very welcome. I was never the biggest fan of the pod slinging to drop boulders on monsters stuff, so I don't miss that either. The Wirebug movement and wall running is neat, and evolving the Tailrider system of Iceborne into the Palamutes and giving you direct control is also appreciated. Some weapons Silkbind moves feel more necessary than others, and I still haven't figured out how to unlock some of the Switch Skills, but it's still cool additions that's hard to say if they're gonna carry forward. For now, it's a good time.

  • A neat Metroidvania with NES styled graphics. You got a crew of 3 people that you can swap between at specific points, each with some specific necessary ability. The design decision to make recovering health through most of the game almost impossible was probably the game's most interesting one. It made traveling through the map towards the next checkpoint or shortcut a interesting, sometimes arduous trek. The map itself could be confusing however, as the rooms were almost all crowded together, and the way rooms either did or didn't connect through mid-screen walls or secret passages not noted on the map made it tough to navigate at times. The game was also buggy in several ways, some requiring resetting the game; like your character just disappearing, or when a double jump in the Extra character modes stopped working several times. Another bug prevented some landmarks from showing up on the map, making them harder to find than intended. Despite these issues it had some good art design and feel, a neat story set-up and some fun upgrade choices. I had a pretty good time.

  • 2019. You can play Yu-gi-oh! against the computer using a lot of different cards that you unlock through grinding rather than microtransactions, and that's kind of neat.

  • The concept of a PokeMoba was a thing I've wanted since playing a lot of Heroes of the Storm a few years ago. That it's now here, and both good and 'lite' enough, comparable to Heroes makes me very glad. I hope that the menus will eventually perform better because they are kinda hitchy and occasionally buggy atm. I also hope that as it's roster grows there will be even more variety and some novel designs like there are in HotS. For now though I'm happy to support it, moderately, in the hope that it keeps growing and becoming better.

  • 2020. Started revisiting the Zero games. Right now Zero 1. They harshness with which they judge you and discourage use of upgrade items by making them morally difficult to use has me questioning their design more than I used to.

  • The more I play it the more I remember Samus Returns on the 3DS. I think it's probably pretty similar. I like it, the exploration and bossfights have been challenging so far and the movement feels good. I only wish that whoever decided that the map should fill in only around Samus, leaving shadowy spots around the map unless you obsessively jump around to fill it in, would have changed that design after the 3DS game. It's been impacting the experience for sure.