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Average score of 15 user reviews

Rhythm games at their best 0

I could go to length about how I love music, and how Rhythm Heaven Fever not only has amazing music, but how it is one of the only rhythm games where you actually do need a sense of rhythm. How every game is weird and funny and looks great, and always has a very simple way to show you if you have the rhythm and makes sure you're listening to the music rather than looking at the screen. But you know what ? A picture is worth a thousand words... or in this case, a video. So without further ado, he...

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On of the most fantastic experiences I had playing a video game 0

Few are the game that make me think about myself not as a player, but as a person. That makes me think about my decisions and whether they are right or wrong. Heck, I don't think there are more game like that than I have fingers on my hand (5, by the way). And The Walking Dead is one of them. When I first heard of this title, I honestly thought that it was Telltale's first stab at an action game. "An adventure game in a zombie world ?", I thought, "How the hell does that even work ? No way." Tur...

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A great sequel to a great game 0

Let me get one thing straight: I completely revere 999. It was my game of 2010. It has it's flaws, but it offers a story unlike any other game. A story so good, it will make you forget anything not so great about the game. So when I heard there was a sequel coming out, I was absolutely thrilled. And when I played Virtue's Last Reward (which isn't a great title, I have to say), I saw how much this game is similar to 999... starting with the flaws. First of all, the 3DS version is busted. Overflow...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You don't need to be a Sonic fan to appreciate this game 0

I am not a huge fan of the Sonic series. Of course, I played the first 3 games on Mega Drive (or Genesis) but never finished any of them. The games got pretty dull for me when they became less about the speed and more about the platforming. So I was not expecting a lot from Sonic Generations. And boy, was I blown away. The game is one of the highlights of 2012 for me. It is absolutely amazing. First, it looks beautiful. You get a great sense of speed going through all the different levels from a...

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The best of Persona 3 and 4 0

Persona 3 is awesome. Persona 4 is awesome. What do you get when you mix them together ? Persona 3 Portable. This game is perfect mix of the best parts of P3 and P4. The completely broken combat system of Persona 3 is ditched for the improved system of Persona 4 and with some more improvements sprinkled on top. The interface has been remade. Some of the dialogue has been rerecorded and the game have had more scenes added where you hang out with your friends. As you go up the Tartarus on the adde...

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An amazing and engaging strategy game 0

I hate XCOM. It beat the crap out of me repeatedly. Every time I would do even the slightest of mistakes, it would punish me immediately and in the worst way possible. It taught me how to play it by screwing up over and over again until I got it right. And that it also why I absolutely love this game. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based strategy game and I love it. I love how the combat works and how cinematic and action-y it feels while still totally being tactical. I love spending hours in my ...

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One of the best point & click games I have ever played 0

The Breakout is one of the best point & click game I have ever played, and I played a lot of 'em ! I usually like my point & click adventure games pretty serious. I love Broken Sword 1 & 2, the Gabriel Knight series and The Dig. But The Breakout gets the "funny" part so well, I just couldn't not like it. It is probably the only adventure game where I actually LIKED the fact that you need to use verbs to interact with the environment as the amount of hidden jokes is staggering ! And t...

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Don't let people fool you, it's an awesome game 0

If you are remotely interested in video games, you probably have heard a lot about this game, and if you did, you probably heard a lot of people complaining. I am not one of those people. I really enjoyed Mass Effect. For me, this series is probably one of the best game series I have ever played. But what about the game itself ? Well... It is not as good as the previous installments. The fact that every single subplot gets resolved and that there is a romance available with every single characte...

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A Double Fine game that is actually fun to play 0

I love Double Fine games. They all have a unique feel, are funny, look great and are very charming, but when it comes to actually playing them... it's usually not very good. Cue Iron Brigade. This game gets it. The gameplay is absolutely amazing. Double Fine basically took a pretty worn out concept, having a tower defense where you can shoot stuff, and made it incredibly fun to play. You can place your turrets almost anywhere, the shooting feels really good, you have a lot of weapon and turret v...

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An insane game 0

FEZ is a platformer. A pretty looking platformer, with pixel art and everything. And it has a pretty cool gameplay, with 2D but in a 3D environment that you can rotate. And you collect stuff. Overall a really fun 2D platformer. Oh, and before I forget it's also on of the most amazing puzzle game I've ever played. And I'm saying "puzzle game" because I don't know what else to call FEZ. This game is absolutely crazy ! The world is crazy, the discoveries you make are crazy, hell the fact that you c...

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An excellent platformers for fans of the genre 0

It is easy to dismiss They Bleed Pixels as another indie platformer with pixel art, because... well... it is. But unlike every other indie platformer, the game doesn't just add a twist to the platforming and relies only on that. The reason I like this game so much is that it excels at everything it does. The platforming is really solid, the levels get really tough and will test your skill and the game has a lot of secondary "objectives" that make you play each level a lot of different ways. And ...

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An incredibly addictive game 0

"Space, the final fronti-OH MY GOD MY SHIP IS ON FIRE !" This pretty much sums up my experience with FTL. I find it difficult to describe what I exactly like in this game. The difficulty is not very well designed and sometimes you'll die for no good reason other that "You weren't lucky enough", the randomization becomes way too apparent after a while and the combat system gets really repetitive as well. So why do I like FLT so much ? Well, let's just say it took me 20 hours of playing this rogue...

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A deliberate experience 0

Journey is an experience. A pretty short experience, but one trimmed of everything unnecessary and superfluous leaving only the pure unadulterated fun. Everything in Journey is deliberate. From the gorgeous setpieces and beautiful music, to the peculiar coop and mysterious world you'll want to explore. Is Journey a game ? Not really. Is it set out to be ? Absolutely not. thatgamecompany made an interactive story, and one that should be experienced. The issue however, is that once you have finish...

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Final Fantasy music is pretty awesome 0

I played a lot of Theatrhythm, and while the game isn't prefect (for example I wish you didn't have to unlock the hardest difficulty settings or that playing without the RPG part didn't make your score better, thus pushing you to NOT use the RPG part of the game), it has enough to offer to make you play the same songs over and over again, and rewards you when you do so with trophies and collectible cards. My main problem with the game ? The fact that the "game" part feel incidental to my enjoyme...

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A good game that falls short 0

This game is a crap ton of fun. The shooting feels great and all the cool stuff you can do with the tentacles makes you really feel all powerful. It controls great, the story is pretty interesting and the graphics manage to capture the comic-book fell well. The main problem ? This game is incredibly short. It took me 11 hours to get all the achievements in the game, which include finishing the game twice (once on the hardest difficulty setting), get every collectible, and finish the coop campaig...

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