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Those That Could Survive a Alien or Demon Invasion

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  • Yall saw this coming.This wouldn't be a good list if I didn't add him.It's actuallly no suprise seeing as DOOM is about fighting demons,.It's like the saying goes:DoomGuy doesn't fear demons,they fear him!

  • He's not just a monster slayer but a demon slayer as welk,Who better than to call someone to hunt em down.

  • Her spells can come in handy to take demons out.

  • Dont let her petite build fool you.Despite her size,she's a strong woman.She's also no slouch with her swords and spells.

  • Her abilities that could defeat evil aliens are her ball skill,whip missiles,etc.

  • If anyone can defy the odds against alien invasions it's him/her.Their powers,weapon training and determination alone prove their aren't to be trifled with.

  • He/She has had tons of training resisting their darstly tempations.Whether there a mage,rogue or warrior.There powers/skills could put them at bay.

  • He's a demon hunter after all.Highly skilled and formidable with guns and swords and all.

  • He kicks ass and chews bumblegum.He also won't tolerate aliens kidnapping his women.

  • Raiden could give aliens or demons a wide berth with his HF Blade and his other abilities.No cap.

  • His skills are nothing to cough at that's for sure.

  • Without a shout of a doubt,he's powers can eredacate demons,especially the holy water.

  • Ditto

  • I could see why she could defeat demons.Her defeating cervantes was proof enough.


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I would loooooove to hear your reasoning for including each character on this list. I could use a good laugh.

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@zombiepie: Haha I saw this question coming.Yeah I'll see what I can do.