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Change and Goals

Most of us have bad habits, and all of us have unhealthy inclinations, be it cigarettes, coke, fast food, and what not.

Sometimes we aren't aware that they are unhealthy, or sometimes we are, but we don't care enough to change.

Why should we change? To be more of the same that we are now, just worse, without the comfort of that vice? What's the point?

Change I believe normally comes from pursuing a goal we haven't achieved. If we settle for what we have now, we won't change. why should we if we already have what we wanted? we can slogg through life then.

But does that makes us happy?

Or should we pursue a new higher goal? a goal that will make us work to achieve it, and change, and be better? Maybe we'll be happier then.

This is a thought piece. I'd like to know you opinions on it.