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GOTY 2013

Honourable Mentions:

Animal Crossing: New Leaf - I got really addicted for a while, it's totally animal crossing though.

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies - They made another phoenix wright game.

Bravely Default - Haven't played enough to judge it really. Seems fantastic though.

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag - Have only played a few hours but seems like a return to form for the series.

List items

  • This game was depressing. I came away from it feeling like a sack of crap, but it was hands down the best game I have played this year. With TLOU, Naughty Dog have proved to me they can do more than rip off Indiana Jones. The journey of Joel and Ellie will stick in my mind for a very long time, with an incredibly believable ruined world to explore and great survival horror gameplay I could not put it down until the story came to it's conclusion.

  • I enjoyed every second of Bioshock Infinite, while the combat could have done with some tweaking the world that Irrational created here begged exploration. Booker and Elizabeth are fun, memorable characters and the consequences the storyline has for the Bioshock continuity are intriguing. It's almost a shame The Last Of Us came out this year as I had a hard time placing this at number 2.

  • I was not expecting to enjoy this game as much as I did. I have an odd relationship with roguelikes, I generally get very into them for a day and never pick them back up but I saw this one through to the end. Tight controls and a fun death system kept me coming back.

  • I like Zelda, but I have a tough time seeing them through to completion. ALBW has a high chance of being my favorite Zelda game alongside Wind Waker because it's taken out all of the parts that just aren't fun and focused on the core Zelda mechanics. Amazing.

  • This is the pokemon game I have dreamed of since I was a kid. It's nothing new, it's nothing that you haven't seen before, but it's all so polished and effective.

  • This game is really stupid. If you like stupid things you should play it. They commit to their jokes so fully it is admirable, I can't give examples because it would spoil it. But fuck, man. Saints of Rage.

  • I went into DmC expecting to hate it, but what Ninja Theory have created is one of the best character action games I have ever played. A great combo system and some inspired level design, specifically the club and tv station levels, I had an absolute blast.

  • It's a drag, it's monotonous, it's oppressive, it's addicting. Papers, Please is a darkly comic look at border control and was the most unique experience this year. It also wins title screen of the year.

  • A fantastic SRPG with beautiful visuals for the handheld. The story didn't hugely interest me but the addictive tactical battles kept me gripped.

  • I don't think this is really even a game but it's going on here purely for how well their idea is executed. Games don't tell stories like this, it was heart warming and intriguing. Also the X-Files VHS tapes were a great touch.