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Would you want nudity in the Persona games?

I've been thinking a lot about this topic. The games are really fun and are well thought out even without nudity but I think that Atlus could bring the games to an even higher level by adding just a bit more maturity to them. I don't think they should go overboard with it though. Just the girls and even then avoid doing nudity for the older women even. 

I think they could make a really memorable game this way. Not only would it add a little bit of maturity but it would also add realism. I mean after spending so much time with girls and then to not see them naked? It's just unrealistic. 

They could even incorporate nudity non-sexually if they want to go that route to be more artsy. Instead of having an uncle that was a cop he could be an Ob/Gyn or Security Guard at his video monitoring console. Things that would fit into the story so that maybe they would fit into puzzles too. 

I know this just sounds like a guy who wants to see naked girls but really it's more about improving gameplay and story.