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Modern Combat: Domination: Why Am I Still Playing This?

This game is kinda shite. As demonstrated in the GB Quick Look, seeing other players is a fun game of assumptions and firing at everything that moves until a blue triangle appears. Shooting does not feel awful, but does alternate between terrible accuracy and seemingly ineffective bullets. There are five maps. They either feel too empty or like one cannot move without being shot from some unseen corner.  Around once per two games, the server decides that I simply do not deserve to live and kills me as I spawn, often removing my hard-earned weaponry from the last few lives. 
And yet, I've spent untold hours playing this. I've got my dot sight on my MP5 and a silencer on my pistol. I can pretty consistently finish near the top of the leader board.  I'm not only playing this quite a bit, but also getting good at it.  
The game is a crib sheet mash up of Counterstrike and Call of Duty. Its accumulate cash with each kill that you can use to purchase better weapons and equipment gambit system is straight out of the former. Its get points per each kill that unlock new upgrades and weapons for your arsenal mechanic is a sad mockery of Call of Duty's multiplayer genius.  
But, yo, it costs 8 bucks.  
I'm not a shooter man by trade. I can play and do well enough at them. I've beaten the first two Killzones and Resistances. I love me some Half-Life 2. I've dabbled in Halo. I beat COD 4: Modern Warfare. But that's all single player. And I don't own any of them.  
I own Modern Combat: Domination. Or, at least, I own in as we own digital things nowadays.  
It may be a sad mockery of far better concepts in far better games. But, damnit, its low price somehow makes it okay. It's like seeing a dumb action flick only after the ticket price is low enough.  
As much as I'd like to say that all that I consume is high quality art, in reality something can be kinda shite and I'll buy it if it's cheap. I fear what will happen when I get a phone with an App store.