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About time for an update

Hey all, been ages right? Well, hopefully this will be the start of me getting back into blogging, though what i write may be meaningless ramblings, atleast I'll have something to do :P  Let's get started then! Today's will be a simple update, what I've been playing, what I'm intending to pick up, there's not much else on my mind right now.
 What I've played recently, well, I picked up Demon's Souls when it came out in October, I played it for a few hours, got owned so badly, that I gave up and put it away on the shelf for the next two months, which were occupied by games such as Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed 2. Though around Christmas, I ran out of new games to burn through, so I decided to give Demon's Souls another chance, and from that point on, I was hooked! I am now at soul level 43, a specially powerful theif/mage combo, which has been pretty good so far, I've beaten 1-1/2, and 2-1/2 and 3-1, currently starting on 3-2 which is proving to be especially creepy. Though right now I'm holding off playing, as I'm waiting for my friend to get to my soul level, so we both can coop through the levels(or atleast try :P) I wonder how setting up games with your friends would work, as there isn't a invite system.
So instead, I managed to get a copy of Mass Effect for the PC, though I have to run it on medium/low because of my shitty laptop, so I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it that much, I have been playing alot more offline games though, namely Uncharted 2 and Infamous, I would go back and hunt down the last few trophies in Assassins 2(feather hunting!) and Batman, but I've lent those to my friend, so I'll have to wait a few weeks before I get them back. So instead, I've been hunting treasures and medals in Uncharted, and finishing off my evil(and hard difficulty) playthrough in Infamous, and getting the rest of the Blast Shards and stunts. Both of which are BITCHES to complete. I also picked up the God Of War Collection, which I have yet to get through, I only played for a few hours though, It plays much better than how I remember when I played them on PS2 last summer, and trophies are just an added bonus!
Also, as an early birthday gift, I received a copy of Bayonetta, which as practically everyone has pointed out, it is FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY CRAZY! Never have I been so bewildered and so thoroughly entertained by a game so much. Though it is a shame that the pace is ruined by the game's unnecessary loading. I know everyone's bitched about this already, so I wont waste time complaining about it. But damn, 5 seconds to load a fucking pause screen? That. is. PATHETIC. Though that does not mean I hate the game, in fact I find it very enjoyable, albeit a bit disappointing. I'm on chapter 10 now, though I haven't started it yet.
As for upcoming games, I'm going to borrow Darksiders off one of my friends, once he's done with it, as I'm kinda limited when it comes to cash, and I keep hearing the game is really good, so I want to give it a shot. I'm also looking into Dante's Inferno, it's interesting, I didnt LOVE the demo, but it was enjoyable. If I manage to have some spare cash lying around, I might consider picking it up. Next on my watch list is Heavy Rain, I loved Indigo Prophecy, and I can't wait to get my hands on this, hopefully we'll be treated to a demo sometime soon :D. There isn't much that I can say, that hasn't been said a million times before. And as you know, after that, we've got God Of War 3 and FF13, I'm still on the fence on FF, I never was a huge fan of the series, I played FFX, and that was about it, I never even finished it. One other game which I don't hear many people talking about is Red Dead Redemption, that game looks freaking awesome! Its definitely one of the games I've got an eye out for, I'm patiently waiting for more news to come out about the game, I'd love to hear what you think about it.
I think that's about all that's on my mind right now, until next time!
Oh and, please follow me on twitter :)