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An update...

Hey guys, sorry for being silent for the past week or so, my exams are finally over, I've gotten a few of the results, but not all of them, I'll get the rest over the next week or so, but so far I got good grades in Maths and Biology, but I failed horribly at Chemistry XD. So this weekend I've been doing nothing but play games, I've been catching up on Valkyria Chronicles, I got past chapter 8, and chapter 9-which was fucking hard, but I managed to get through it without any fatalities. Right now I NEED to get all my classes up to the Elite level, so I need to redo all the skirmishes a million times to get the EXP I need. I've heard people on different forums talk about how they hated snipers. I agree to some extent, they sucked when you haven't got the power and accuracy upgrades, once you get their accuracy high enough, they are really helpful, though I still wish they could have more AP so they move farther. I think this is the only game where I've invested over 21 hours into it and I'm still no where near the end of the game.
I guess thats it for now, next week is my Birthday, and I'm hoping to pick up Motorstorm Pacific Rift, and Saints Row 2 by then.