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LittleBigPlanet, and Resistance 2...

Those two games have been the ones I've been playing the most, over the last few days, plus a little Deadspace aswell. As of now, Deadspace is really the only game that ever made me scream, out of pure fear. Really. Usually I'd just jump, or go "OH SHIT!" but never scream. I did finish chapter six though, and all I've got so say is, that the Leviathan is one impressive boss, even though it was pretty easy, but it's just friggin HUGE! Anyway, back on topic!

Both games have their faire share of ups and downs, and both have some frustratingly annoying sections, and both have their shining moments of pure fun. I'll start with the bad, then move on to the good.
My only gripes with Resistance, is that sometimes, it just throws increasingly tough enemies at you, without giving you enough ammo, or a adequate cover! I'm at one point in the lever after The Chimaeran Battleship, where I'm suddenly thrown against THREE goliaths, all at the same time! I can't hide behind the cars-which are everywhere-because they'll explode and kill me, I can't run very far because I've got three huge guns pointed at me, and only me, and my teammates aren't really helping. Another is the story, it just doesn't make sense, who the hell is Warner? Am I supposed to care about these characters? Why the hell am I following orders from someone who supposedly is my teammate, but I dont know him at all? And what happened in those two years where Nathan is knocked out? It's a great game, but it does fall flat on its face when it comes to storytelling, something I thought would be just fine, because the first resistance, and the ratchet & clank series all had good stories, what the hell happened here?

Onto LittleBigPlanet, my only gripe is that sometimes, you get so close to the end of a level, and you mistime a jump or a move, and end up dieing, die enough times because of these stupid mistakes, and a few badly placed checkpoints, and you'll find yourself restarting a level more than a few times, which can get old after a while, and for someone who just wants to be able to make a freakin working mechanism to work easily in the editor, it's pretty annoying how it can be a pain, mainly due to some of the horrible camera angles that you might get. Though  I did lose 4 hours, just tinkering with the editor, I completely lost track of time, while working on my level, I lost 4 hours, and I barely even finished the beginning of the level! My experience with multiplayer, has been, well, laggy. Something I wasn't expecting because I was expecting their servers to be better, since Sony's dedicated servers are usually lag-free. Though it could've just been my slow-ass connection on that particular day, I'll try again later on.

Well there you have it, I had my little rant, and gave my impressions, any questions, either PM me or comment, and I'll answer.