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#1  Edited By Law313
@gla55jAw said:

That's some BS if I ever heard it.

QFT. Cut the BS Capcom. If your STUPID enough to believe this(or buy the game), then shame on you.
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#2  Edited By Law313
@TooWalrus said:

@joku2002 said:

hmm i smell a dreamcast

How so? Dreamcast outperformed N64 and PS1 by a long shot.

I think he means that the Dreamcast died because of its half-step up in power and it released at the end of the genration. 
My opinion, if you buy a Wii U your killing the industry. Dont support a company that OBVIOUSLY doesnt know its head from a hole in the ground.   The system is equal to what we alfready have, the games are going to be ports or mini-game collections(why would you wait until next year to buy Batman AC?) and the controller will be a glorified inventory manager. So Innovative... *eyeroll*
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#3  Edited By Law313

Cool article. I would now like to see such a star in ME3 =)

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#4  Edited By Law313

Well, Nintendo didn't incorporate DVD tech when it was relevant. Their differently not doing it now.

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#5  Edited By Law313
@HadesTimes said:

I see the original point here. The fewer cutscenes and uncompressed audio there is, it will probably be on the fewer disks. But 300 hours of gameplay probably won't fit on just one disk. So I'm saying 3 disks. Even with their new fancy pants storage system on DVDs.

Did you play Oblivion? One disc, hella long game.  Skyrim will be ONE disc, I bet.
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#6  Edited By Law313

I have watched EVERY piece of Evangelion media. The remake movies are GREAT if your a fan.

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#7  Edited By Law313
@phish09 said:
I don't care, since I really don't know anyone that (presumably) has enough money to buy more than one of those controllers anyway.  My 360 can only support one Kinect at a time.  That doesn't mean that I'm gonna go selling my 360 any time soon.
Completely different. Even Kinect can now sense multiple gamers in a single room. So your argument is null. Not to mention Kinect isnt the MAIN controller fort the 360.
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#8  Edited By Law313
@Rolyatkcinmai said:

@Law313: I bet it will come with one or two Wii Remotes. Those things must cost Nintendo about fifty cents to make.

However, if they want it to catch on for third party support in real games, they'll have to release a real controller of some type. Playing, for instance, Call of Duty on that new controller would be hell (only two top buttons, the analog sticks are directly above the buttons and dpad).

Thats the thing Im most worried about. Especially since its suppose to cater to the hardcore. Another problem is price. The Wii U CANNOT launch above $300. It wouldn't be worth it. Especially if you think about the price drop thats GOING TO HAPPEN leading up to the Wii U launch. With the 360 and PS3 @ $250-300, whats the appeal of this console? Using your example, does Infinity Ward have to design the game around multiple controllers? Not to mention the analogs don't click in.(I never understood why Nintendo refuse to add that.)
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#9  Edited By Law313
@metalhead87 said:
Yeah, start with the first one.     As mentioned, the first one isn't on PS3, so I would say go with 360 for the whole series.  Then, you can import your character into part 2 and eventually part 3, which I've always enjoyed...even if it doesn't really add a whole lot.
Importing your character from game to game is one of the biggest features in the ME universe. Its how they ensure each choice actually has real consequences. Let someone die in ME1 and you want ever see them again.Not to mention whole quests wont appear in ME2 if you didn't do XYZ in ME1. I think that add ALOT! 
@Wolverine said:

So I never played any Mass Effect games and I'd like to start. Should I start with the first game or is it okay to start with the second one? Also, what platform should I play Mass Effect games on? I have a PS3 and a 360. PC isn't an option for me.

As everyone else was saying, start with ME1 and continue from their. You have plenty of time til March. GET ON IT NOW!
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#10  Edited By Law313
@ryanwho said:

@DefaultProphet said:

Do you really believe that the WiiU controller concept will catch on to that extent? I can't see it at all.

Im sure you didn't see it for Kinect or the original Wii or the DS, either. Most "real gamers" have a dismal track record of "expert opinions".
My arguement for that is this:
1. Kincet: Sure it sold well, but have failed to deliver any revolutionary game experience or enhance existing ones.(I dont need Kinect to modify my guns on Ghost Recon or dance the night away in DC)
2. Wii: Same as above. it sold well but was based solely on gimmicks.
3. DS: Again, the system launched with impressive never-before-seen tech, only to have it be wasted on gimmicks. 
I will even add the 3DS to this list: Gaming journalists and fans alike were stunned at 3Dglassesless tech, only to have NO games available
I love how Nintendo can deliver new experiences, but just like the DS and Wii, I can see the Wii U controller being nothing more than a mini-map or an inventory screen. 
You can talk about sells all you want but as a gamer Im worried about game play improvements, new tech, and a great experience-not how much Reggie has in his bank account.