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Mass Effects Worst Characters in Order of Shitness

If you're wondering why this list is so short and the other list is missing other characters its because those I haven't listed I didn't have strong opinions of. With or without them I'd have been fine. These 6 however, urgh, why Bioware why.

List items

  • A racist who hates Aliens in a sci-fi space game. I couldn't wait to leave her to die in ME1.

  • MY NAME IS SHEPARD, SHEPARD YOU MOTHER FUCKER. Oh how badly I wanted my Shep to yell that every time he gave me that "Lola" bs. I didn't end up hating him as much as I thought I would but man their are SO many more characters that would have been better in his place in ME3, so god damn many.

  • The very definition of bland and pointless. They could seriously replace Kaidan with a damn Varren (the weird looking croco-dog things) and it'd have made for a more compelling character.

  • Another bland character who seemed completely unnecessary, I don't think he bored me quite as much as Kaidan but was damn close.

  • I tried to like Jack but ultimately her personality just seemed so forced and poorly written. Maybe it's because she was female and didn't go around with long grey hair and a suit of red armor, I dunno. Least her back story was cool.

  • Really Bioware? really? a giant terminator is the end boss? A million different possible creepy giant robot designs could have been thought up but they end up going with giant terminator. It's things like this that just make you wonder what really goes on at Bioware some times.