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Games I currently own

says it on the title..

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  • it..hands down..that's all the reason I haven't played and finished it yet cause I'm afraid the goodness might

  • Finally..A JRPG for my if only the battles were a bit quicker..

  • Don't get why people say its scary..pretty nice place to explore though..Rapture I mean..

  • It's not that good but not bad either..Its better I keep it rather than trade it in for £3...

  • Bought these game because of Portal and right now i'm thinking i've bought it for the wrong reason..Let's just say I've enjoyed all it has to offer.

  • Been looking for a game to keep me off COD4..finally I found one..wait..there's an achievement where I need to commit suicide by dropping on a heli?! surely they're joking..

  • Single Player - i wish Price didnt die...MultiPlayer - i wish...well for nothing more..go heli!

  • Not really good at it...cause I dont usually play it unless I've fired enough bullets to..well..drown in my room..

  • Despite hating 2 of Dante's weapons cause I can't use them properly in a combo..I still love the fact that..well..DMC is the title..I'm still in love with DMC3...if only I haven't traded in my PS2...i would not have bought this..still..pretty good..

  • It got dull in the middle so I left it on my C.D stand for a while till I see it shine and say can you please finish me now..

  • Dodge, shoot, look for weapon..just don't stop cause that is the usual mistake of my victims on this fast check my halo comment..

  • Haven't really started this yet..tried it..but not saved it..Now im thinking I have to sit through that long and boring introduction where you are being driven towards youre destination..

  • Im the highest in the scoreboard! wohoo! maybe its because of the fact that none of my friends have this...maybe...

  • The only thing I hate and critisize about this game is its exploits being so obvious..I dont like games with I tend to take advantage of it =p..........but I want a good character! so I had to restart the game again and promised not to do the exploit! NEVER AGAIN! Someone tell Lionhead to fix it

  • 2 more levels and I finished the game! WOHOO!! but then fable 2 came out.

  • So good, so many hours of gameplay..I still havent finished it up!

  • With the time i spent with the game..i would just say..I want a third person view on a jumping

  • This is my RTS of choice until....Endwar comes out..UNIT 1 MOVE TO FOXTROT..

  • A little bit of RTS can't hurt anyone..

  • This is the only thing my nephew

  • I can't sleep at night cause of this..and I'm only on the 3rd chapter..btw...cant sleep cause I find I need to play it at night rather than in mornings..much immersive that way..

  • Im not gonna lie..a 5 year old can beat me on this game...if only "running" isnt so slow..sigh..ill play unreal instead..