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I'm Back, and I'm Blogging nothing but names of games I'm playing this month.

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3 Things I Have Recently Found About Myself as a Gamer. (Blog)

1) I hate stealth games.   
      Actually not a recent discovery I've been trying off and on since Thief! Games like Splinter Cell, Metal Gear, Batman AA and many more, are just completly lost on me.  I wish I could blame it on game mechanics but after all these years I think I just have to accept that I am either terrible at stealth games and thats why I hate them or I hate stealth games and thats why I am terrible at them.  I'm trying to think of one game with stealth elements that I liked... maybe FPS like Halo or CoD and Butcher Bay if that could even be called a stealth element.  But I think that really touches on the problem games with stealth elements seem to usually have an extreme lack of intuitive targeting or just a flat out wonky aiming system **cough Alpha Protocol cough**, no one likes the blame game so I'll just stick with it being all me. 
2) I am really not that huge of a Star Wars fan, or at least I am not anymore.  
     Perhaps its more just from a "gamer perspective".  I like the original trilogy and Ep. III could have been a lot worse, I think there was a news story recently where someone said that there hasnt been a decent Star Wars game since Jedi Knight 2. Amen to that brother. After spending 8 hours playing through the camera/control hell that is Force Unleashed I sincerly hope FU 2 and Old Republic are a step in the right direction.  In a way it feel like Star Wars is too stuck on it self, does everything really need to use the exact same intro with the exact same music that takes way too long.  Take that as analogy for how I feel about all of Star Wars these days with in 10 seconds of looking at it I feel like "Yep its Star Wars, Im bored". 
3)I am not a completist or an Achivement Whore.  
     I've only had my 360 for a short time since Im a cheap bastard of late, but it (and Giant Bomb and the author of the book Extra Lives) have sort of reinvigerated me with the thought that hey their games its sapposed to be fun, if your done having fun, be done! For years I think I've secretly felt guilty for not completing a game to 101% but now suddenly I don't feel a need for me to get S ranks or completions unless it involves actual fun. Force Unleashed is great example of this, theres an achivement of killing 500 dudes with each force power, no thank you!   
Thats it for my ramblings for tonight.


Fable 2 Woes. A Rambling Tale of Tragedy (some minor spoilers)

Ugh I am having a hell of a time enjoying the last bit of Fable 2 before Im done with it.   

First off I guess I should say I have two characters, Good+Pure and Evil+Corrupt (GP,EC), GP has finished the main game and EC is a bit before the final few quests. 
If I remember correctly I had just finished a kidnapping quest and needed to go to bed IRL saved and quit from Fairfax Gardens, console off.  Well starting off today first thing my wife divorced me and left with my child, so much for wife number three. Its her loss really since I was just about to go for the mave love 25 times ach.  Honestly I dont know what I did to piss her off so bad, I tried several times to catch her as she was leaving and turn her feelings around, no luck. Tried reloading of course, no luck. I killed her once but didnt save.  
So, fine! Im single again. More backround... Even tho this is GP I did kill my first wife... because she gave me an STD.  I sappose it is hyper accurate that you could actually marry someone and then have sex trying to make a baby and actually get an STD but... ugh. Second wife was killed by someone else, and now Third wife left. Total count 3 wives and 5 children all gone one way or another.  
Now on EC he has 2 wives (at the same time) and 3 children, sleeps with prostitues (in multiples) frequently, and has of course never had any sort of problem with divorce or STDs. 
Giving up on women with GP I thought I'd try to get the Demon Door Achievment with 4 remaining doors.  *Minor Spoilers* One door requires an audience so I grabbed 10 followers and dropped into wraithmarsh with a little bit of lag while loading the area 2 of my followers were killed by Banshee children. Back to town to try again I thought I picked up 2 more followers, headed back, quickly killed the banshee and headed to the door. The demon was not pleased and as I counted my followers neither was I for I only had 9. Back to town again and back out again, Banshee again. Sucess finally. Next up I tackled the embarassing door which went easy just required some shopping and some loading screens.  After that I headed to the acting door only to be dissaponted after several minutes to find out that I still didnt have the worship expression. Back to town, none on sale, none in the shelves. Ugh.  
The only other door for GP to try would of been the corruption door, no problem I'll just set some houses rent to max and sleep a bit and poof. No good since I own pretty much every building with GP at -40% or -50% I would have to walk around and change all of them to get corrupted. Damn damn damn.  
 A thought hit me and I rashly quit without saving over to my other character EC. "I'll just open all the doors with him!" , actually did get one achivment for all expressions, tricks and abilites (yay!). Went to the acting door and nope no good, Scary Laugh does not double as Laugh.  Fine I'll just do the dirty deeds with GP, quit with save and hopped back over... now loading Fairfax Gardens... Oh no. Yes thats right the game had not saved my divorce or the time it took to open two doors and stumble around. However my wife and child were right there to leave me all over again. Console off. 
What a great day in Fable 2.  
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