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Remember when I used to blog? I tried doing that again.

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Okami completion stats

Play Time: 46 hr 16 min 47 sec
Days Passed: 58
Saves: 105
Deaths: 2
Enemies Defeated: 330
Money Gained: 2818285 Yen
Demon Fangs Found: 80
Praise Earned: 2682

I'm surprised at the amount of stuff the game tracks. I didn't realize my deaths were being tracked, because the game doesn't show them off prominently on the save screen like Zelda games do. And I had no idea it would be tracking the amount of days that passed or the number of saves I created.

I thought I had earned a fair bit of praise, but apparently I only actually got a minimal amount of praise. There were still a lot of animals that I hadn't fed yet, and there's probably other stuff I missed too.