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Just a friendly 'ol bike ride!

When most people think of a bike ride, they think of biking along the road with the sun in their face. Perhaps even biking along a beach looking at all the pretty girls. Sure I do both, but today I wanted to go on a new trail I discovered along one of the main roads. I've gone trailing before, many times, through mud and whatever the trail could throw at me. But I guess after all the recent storms and such, the trails have changed somewhat.

The Beginning
The Beginning

I went into the Provincial York Forest which isn't very used, thinking it would be easy trails as I started out. And it was! The dirt was smooth and only a few rocks and roots were on the trail which I easily rode over. Then the mosquitoes came. Swarming over me like Jack Thompson on video games. I had about 10 on my arm, and quickly slapped them off. I put on a long shirt I had in my bag, and continued. I sit here typing with several mosquito bites on the back of my neck, which are really bothering me...

But then the trail got harder and harder and harder. Instead of any more typing, lets just illustrate it....

Now I just sit here playing Uncharted Drakes Fortune, enjoying being in the jungle without getting myself dirty :P

My foot in mud! Yay!
My foot in mud! Yay!
Trees downed because of storms
Trees downed because of storms
Big trees down because of storms.
Big trees down because of storms.
Very thick trails
Very thick trails
Yup, I rode through it.
Yup, I rode through it.

Obstacles on the trails... I had to get off my bike many times
Obstacles on the trails... I had to get off my bike many times

Not too hard...
This wasn't the end of the trail, but it was the end for me. The water made me wish I had a boat rather than a bike...
This wasn't the end of the trail, but it was the end for me. The water made me wish I had a boat rather than a bike...