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#1  Edited By ltcolumbo

@overbite: I bought it from a 3rd party seller on Amazon and opened it (and tried to play it) before I realized it was the wrong region. I checked my order history afterwards and clearly I just missed the region notice, so I wouldn't feel right returning it and sticking it to that seller. I might try to sell it but I'm worried someone will make the same mistake I made and I'd prefer to avoid that.

The good news is I found a solution but I'm pretty sure answer is "random magic," so for anyone else with the same problem, your results may vary. The last straw that made me start this thread was after signing up for a Showtime membership on Amazon to stream the movie (yes, Showtime, not Shudder), I was queued up to watch and was at the starting title screen and listening for Alex to count it down. He/Vinny stated the screen said "2000", and the video I had queued up said "2001." That's when I posted the thread looking for help.

Shortly therafter, I gave up and decided to just watch the different version and resync when possible. Ten seconds after pressing play, the video froze, and then put up a message saying my device (my PS4) didn't have enough bandwidth to stream the video. After another try, I gave up again and took a nap. When I came back after my nap, that's when the Leprechauns kicked in. Not only did the title screen now say "2000," but the run time was now 114 minutes. It worked perfectly and I just finished watching. I guess I don't really know how streaming services work, and it doesn't really seem possible that Showtimes is rng-ing your options, but I swear that's what happened.

Your results my vary. Since the Showtime trial is free on Amazon, this may be worth a try to anyone else in the same boat. That said, thanks to all for the suggestions.

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#2  Edited By ltcolumbo

Apparently I'm an idiot. I've now bought the wrong version of Battle Royale on Vudu, the PS store, and twice on Amazon. I'm about $70 down and still don't have the version I need. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I think I need a non-directors cut that is 114 minutes long, but the only version of that I can find is region 2 (which I now own and can't use if anyone wants it) and I need a US version. If someone can link me to what I need I'll be forever grateful. Thanks!

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Is that Ron Perlman's voice? That would be odd (since they replaced him in the next movie) but also awesome (because Ron Perlman is awesome).

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I'd be surprised if this is Dan playing, or a replacement for Beast in the East, even temporarily. It sounds more like a Blue Bombin'/VinnyVania substitute with someone else at the helm.

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I played through the most recent Ratchet & Clank five times in a row chasing a platinum trophy. By the last run I was able to beat the game in about 90 minutes. Stupid Groovitron.

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#6  Edited By ltcolumbo

@praried0g: I'm the same way. I was super-psyched about Waypoint because it brought two great personalities together, but I think it boils down to there only being so many hours in the day. I'd love to stay up to date with everyone but I really only have a few hours a week for inter-tainment.

That said, Drew is awesome. Good luck, Drew!

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I'm pretty sure I paid $360 to play Zelda, because none of the other games I've seen interest me at all. Sure hope Zelda doesn't suck!

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Played on PC when it was first released, and just restarted on PS4 last week. It works great on console and the controller works just fine. Responsiveness is plenty precise and snappy for anything that game has demanded. They've sped up the cursor so that you can navigate quickly, but not so fast as to be hard to control, and fishing is much easier on a controller, at least in my experience. So far, I'm having a comparable if not better time on console than I did on PC.

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#9  Edited By ltcolumbo

@viking_funeral: I don't really understand the controversy over that. Blizzard was selling nothing but inconsequential items. If by selling those they can keep adding things like new characters, maps, and modes, where is the downside? You don't have to spend one penny to get full enjoyment out of the game...unless you get enjoyment out of buying boxes full of inconsequential items, in which case, I have great news for you!

As for selling what are accelerators in single player games, where is the downside? As long as no developers make this a forced practice (and I think they'd be lambasted if they did), it's not really hurting anyone. The thing about "art," if you want to consider games art, is that it's not just the taste in it that's subjective. Art give different people pleasure for different reasons. If someone buys a reproduction of The Thinker and uses it as a hat rack because that brings them pleasure, they're doing art right. If someone gets pleasure out of spending extra cash and being an overpowered deity throughout a game, more power to them. It's their money and their time, let them spend it how they choose. As long as no one makes you or I do the same thing, everyone can be happy.

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Dan seems like one of those guys with an unbelievable work ethic, and in the few instances where he has briefly broken character he's always given the impression that despite his in-character antics, he's actually extremely professional and really works to be good at his job. That sounds like the sort of person you want on a small team. Hope he's going to GBeast.

Also, I hope this results in more Rorie content from the West. His solo WoW stuff has been great.