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New TV

So my profit sharing check from work just burnt a hole in my pocket pretty quickly.  If you ever need to know, a 55" HDTV will indeed fit into a 2007 Jeep Patriot.  That is if you're okay hugging the steering wheel all the way home.  i had to rearrange a bunch of stuff, but I think it's looking pretty good at the moment. 

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It's been a while since I posted something here.  Since CitizenKane commented on my collection, I figured maybe I should take some pictures since almost everything is on display in the living room.  There's probably a half a dozen printer paper boxes full of demos, accessories, and random game-related junk in the closet, but most of the stuff that matters is out here. 



Top 10...Again

So after 8 months I'm back in the top 10 in points again.  Maybe this time I'll be there for more than a day!

I've still got a lot of stuff to add to the EverQuest pages.  Should keep me busy for a while.


Top 10

Wow... I actually made it into the top 10 in points.  I doubt I'll be there long though.  I've pretty much contributed all I can with all the Underground content.  It went a lot deeper than I originally imagined.  Basically, for anyone that ever appeared in Underground, I tried to link to and/or create a page for that person and fill it out with basic info including games they worked on.  This took a lot longer than I expected, but aside from touch ups here and there, I think I've compiled all the info I can on the subject.

I guess I can always go back to the TI-99/4A games!

Or maybe now I can actually play some games in my free time.

Or maybe I can start packing for the trip to Seattle.

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Got my badge in the mail on Monday!  After 10 years of going to E3, this should be interesting.