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Marino's PAX Guide to PAX

Are you going to the Penny Arcade Expo? Probably not. Then why are you reading this? But if you are going to PAX, then this is my guide to help you have the best time possible. I've been to the last five Penny Arcade Expos (2008, 2009, East '10, Prime '10, East '11) and I also went to ten consecutive E3's (1997-2006). So, I know a little bit about how to survive a gaming convention. Whether you've been to PAX previously or not, hopefully I can give you some tips into making the most of three days that will fly right by you if you don't have a plan.

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Shower. Every Day. Please.

First things first. Do your fellow gamers a favor and don't smell like you live in a latrine and ran a marathon to get to the show this morning. Failing to complete this task is a violation of Wheaton's Law.
PAX Prime 2010
PAX Prime 2010

Respect the Enforcers

The Enforcers are a legion of volunteers (often wearing utilikilts) that keep PAX running like a well oiled machine. For PAX Prime, they will be the folks in blue shirts patrolling the expo hall and stationed at every possible venue. These people give up six hours or more of their day at PAX to help you have the best time you possibly can. Respect them. Appreciate them. Buy them cookies.
Blue Shirts & Kilts
Blue Shirts & Kilts

Use the Hand Sanitizer

As someone who flew home from PAX 09 on a plane that had confirmed cases of H1N1, I cannot stress this enough. Whether or not people follow tip #1 above, people are dirty. There are typically hand sanitizer dispensers all over the place. Use them. Especially after you've played some demos.
PAX 09 Exhibit Hall
PAX 09 Exhibit Hall

Plan Ahead

The schedule is available right now. You will get a swag bag on arrival with a program, but you should start planning your route today. The expo hall should be your default location. It's open from 10 AM to 6 PM. But, like I said in the concert section, PAX is not all about the expo hall. Skim through the list of panels that are available and pick out a few that you'd like to see. But stay flexible. Invariably something will come up and cancel your plans. Don't stress out about it. You're probably not going to be able to do everything you want to do. So, try to stick to your plan, but have fun above all else.
Poor Planning
Poor Planning

Go to at Least One Night of Concerts

PAX is so much more than just an expo hall. And besides, the expo hall closes at 6 PM anyway. Make an effort to go to the concerts Friday or Saturday night. Considering Giant Bomb's panel is Friday night, I would assume anyone reading this would prefer not to skip that in favor of MC Frontalot and Metroid Metal. But the concerts due go quite late, so you may want to stop by the main theatre after Giant Bomb just to catch part of it. Personally, I generally go on Saturday night. At my first PAX, I knew of Jonathan Coulton vaguely. All I knew was that he wrote "Still Alive." But after his show, I became a fan instantly. I can say the same for Freezepop's performance that year too.

This year at PAX Prime we have the some new additions to the line-up and one returning after a few years off. If you go Saturday night, you'll have round 4 of the Omegathon tournament, which is typically a Rock Band-related game. Then you'll get The Video Game Orchestra doing renditions of classic game soundtracks. Next you'll have PAX rookies, Supercommuter. Next you'll get the comedy music stylings of Paul & Storm including a 15-minute song about pirates that you'll never forget. And to close out the night you'll see Jonathan Coulton performing not only "Still Alive" and "Code Monkey," but other songs about monkeys,robots, and giant squids. This will probably go til around 1AM or later.
PAX 08 Jonathan Coulton
PAX 08 Jonathan Coulton

Go to the Omegathon Final Round

I cannot recommend this enough. Sure, you'll have to say goodbye to the expo hall before it actually closes, but by the end of the third day you probably have already seen everything in there that you truly want to see. The Omegathon Finals is an experience you cannot get anywhere else. Have you seen The Wizard? You know the final scene where three people battle by playing Super Mario Bros. 3 in front of thousands of people? It's like that. Except it's real, and you're there. Previous years have featured games such as Pong, Tetris, Contra, Excitebike Vs., Combat, and even games like Skeeball and a stuffed animal crane game. This is the perfect closing ceremony for PAX, and you should most definitely be a part of it.
PAX East '10 Omegathon
PAX East '10 Omegathon

Be Prepared to Wait

Depending on what you decided to see and do, you could end up doing a lot of waiting in line. I waited over an hour to see Dragon Age II. I also waited over an hour to playSkate 3 and win a real skateboard deck. On some panels (i.e. Giant Bomb, Mega64, G4/X-Play, and anything related to Penny Arcade), you'll want to show up at least an hour early to get a good seat. So, bring a DS or PSP. This should be a no brainer, but it has to be said. Not only will you be able to entertain yourself as you wait, but there is no better place in the world to share your personal skill in drawing dicks in Pictochat. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. I once used Pictochat to solicit people to come play Hot Shots Golf on PSP... and it worked! Where else would you ever be able to do that?
PAX East '10 Queue Room
PAX East '10 Queue Room

Bring a Backpack

If you show up completely empty-handed in the morning, you'll hate yourself by 2 PM. Don't count on picking up a bag from a booth at the expo hall. Even if there are any, they're cumbersome. Just bring a trusty backpack or messenger bag to throw all your junk in. Your shoulders may hate you by Sunday afternoon, but it's really your best option.
PAX Prime 2010 SWAG
PAX Prime 2010 SWAG

Don't Let SWAG Run Your Life

Look. Swag is cool. I know. It's near irrestistable. But don't let it rule your experience. You'll get free stuff. But don't spend 45 minutes standing around the APB booth for a chance at a flying free t-shirt. You know what I mean?
PAX East '10 Skate Deck
PAX East '10 Skate Deck

Pack Light and Carry a Big Bag

Hey, you're probably going to have to pay $25-35 to check a bag on the airplane, so get your money's worth. Even if you're luggage consists of three t-shirts and three pairs of socks and underwear, bring a big suitcase. You're going to want the extra space for not just the free swag you pick up, but also for the merch that you buy. At PAX 2009, I bought a 'Splosion Man statue from Twisted Pixel and was able to fit it in my checked bag even in it's big styrofoam box. Also, if you have one, put a cardboard tube in your suitcase. Not to impersonate the Cardboard Tube Samurai, but so that you can transport posters home without completely wrecking them. And one last tip from a veteran of these trips, throw an empty trash bag in with your clothes. You can put your dirty clothes in the bag at the hotel, and that keeps your cool swag quarantined from your sweaty, disgusting laundry.
Statue #85 of 150
Statue #85 of 150

Prepare for Sleep Deprivation

You can sleep on Monday. Seriously. There's stuff going on at PAX officially or unofficially for 24 hours a day. If you can get four or five hours a night, you're doing great. You have a limited amount time at PAX, so make the most of it. We're also going to be losing an hour Saturday night / Sunday morning due to Daylight Saving Time.
PAX 2008 Night Life
PAX 2008 Night Life


Most places will accept debit/credit cards now, but you may want to carry at least a little cash just in case. If you think you need to get some cash, visit a local ATM as early in the day as possible. Nothing's worse than an empty ATM when you simply must have a t-shirt with bacon high-fiving a shotgun shell.
PAX 2010 Bought Stuff
PAX 2010 Bought Stuff

Remember to Hydrate and Eat

Seriously, it's easy to forget. But I'm willing to bet that most of us here aren't normally walking and/or standing for 10 hours a day. And, if you're like me, you're going to want to squeeze every moment of time you have out of PAX, so stopping for 30 minutes or more to eat seems like a waste of time. Do yourself a favor and at least throw some Clif Bars in your bag or something. You can eat while you wait in line for something.
Sumo Lounge
Sumo Lounge

Don't Be a Dick

Be yourself. Be open to talking to and meeting people. Hang out in the handheld lounge for a bit. Go play some GoldenEye in the console freeplay area or something. Just try to take in as much as you can. Very rarely will be around so many other people that are so much like you.
Wheaton's Law
Wheaton's Law

Videos and Other Stuff to Help to Prepare You



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Edited By Valwryn
@Marino said:
" @UnsolvedParadox: That's okay. I broke my own rule by not going to concerts this year in favor of the Giant Bomb related activities Friday and Saturday night. I'm glad the guide worked for you. 
@Valwryn: Awesome. How was it going to TGS? After so many E3's and PAX's, I hope to make it there one day. "
TGS is a fucking madhouse! I've never seen so many people packed into one place. The craziest part of it, is each company has their own stage/speaker setup, which face towards the center of the convention floor, so when you're walking the main floor you have 6 simultaneous presentations being screamed at you in Japanese... mildly entertaining.
Really I only spent about 2 hours at TGS and spend the rest of the time seeing the area. Having just attended every second of Pax'09, sleeping for a week because of pax pox, then leaving for Japan 2 weeks later for another Video-game convention, I wasn't exactly in the mood to absorb digital media. Makes me feel sorry of the GB guys sometimes, of how many times they have to review those incremental "sneak peaks" convention after convention.
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Edited By ch3burashka

As a frequenter of PAX Prime, I can confirm the importance of these bullet points. All 3 years I've gone I came in late on Sunday; sleep deprivation kicks in like a motherfucker during those 3 days. The concerts are awesome, though I was a retard the first year and didn't go. I believe that was '08, when JoCo was there (FUUUUUU....). As for swag... it seems cool at the moment, but give it a second's thought - do you really need it? If you grab everything, you'll come home with 20 shirts, and give half of them away or throw them away within a month. As for planning for panels, do your best but I can assure you that schedule will get fucked up - you will most likely miss half of them in favor of standing in line. 
I just thought of a new bulletpoint: BRING FOOD. Cannot stress that enough. The lines for the Subway are as long as the lines for the games, and since it's a line for food as opposed to a line for games, it feels like a waste of time. Either buy a Meatball sub at 8AM (that'll keep you full all day, trust me), or bring your own food. 
Also, as a basic rule, don't be an asshole; be courteous, and don't carry 7 swag bags around with you. 

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Edited By rentfn
@natetodamax said:
" I couldn't find anyone selling cookies. Were they there? "
I saw them walk by a few times in line. I asked if they had any dairy free cookies and they felt so bad that they didn't. One guy promised to make some next year and hunt me down.
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Edited By YoungFrey

I'll add a few things.  

If you want to buy stuff, Sunday sees tons of price drops as dealers try to unload everything.   

I have no actual epidemology experience, but those beanbag piles are probably more risk then benefit.    And to clear up the general advice on avoiding disease.  Washing your hands after using the bathroom protects other people.  Washing your hands before you eat or otherwise put them in your body protects you.  So you should really do both.   

If you want to look cool and unique, remember that nearly everyone at PAX will try to do it in the same way as you.   Every Penny Arcade T-shirt will be well represented(I don't really get that, but hey whatever they want to do in cool).  Threadless is all over the place, etc ...  So try a little harder if the idea of being next to another guy wearing your coolest shirt bothers you.     
Follow the Official PAX account on Twitter if you can.  They give advice on long lines at a time when you can still get in them.   
If your dinner isn't going to be fast food, make some reservations, even multiples (but don't be a dick and go crazy).   
If you have any interest in autographs, take 2 colors of Sharpie.   
Prepare for the minor injuries and ailments.  Pack asprin, anti-diahreahals, moleskin(goes in your shoes to prevent/ameliorate blisters), and some cold pills. 
If you don't have tickets and still want to go, there are always scalpers outside the front door.  You will pay extra (I really don't know what), and there are guys who will try to pass modded old badges off as current.   
After the Giant Bomb panel, they go to a bar to hang, but they answer questions in the hall first.  That might take an hour or more, so if you go straight to the watering hole pbe prepared for a long wait. 
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Edited By big_jon

It's sad that people have to be reminded to have a shower each day, especially when so many are fat nerds who sweat a lot.

I ask, when is the Metroid metal concert? I want to see that.

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Edited By YoungFrey

@big_jon said:

It's sad that people have to be reminded to have a shower each day, especially when so many are fat nerds who sweat a lot.

I ask, when is the Metroid metal concert? I want to see that.

Metroid Metal is Friday night opposite the Giant Bomb panel. If it helps your choice any, they always release the GB panel on video later.

Personally, I'd recommend 2 showers for a lot of people. If you are at a convention all day, you will smell like hell long before the end.

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Edited By Hailinel

@YoungFrey said:

Personally, I'd recommend 2 showers for a lot of people. If you are at a convention all day, you will smell like hell long before the end.

This is why I'm thankful that PAX Prime is in Seattle. I can go home, sleep, shower, and head right back.

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Edited By StarvingGamer

Just makes me sadder that I won't be able to go to PAX this year :'(

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Edited By Marino  Staff

If you're going to PAX Prime this week, these guidelines and tips still apply!

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Edited By rmanthorp  Moderator

Man this is a GREAT guide! Makes me ALL the more jealous... Have a great time duders!

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Edited By jkuc316

Is there a livestream for PAX Prime?

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Edited By Lukeweizer

I would also suggest NOT losing your badge. In '08, the part of my badge where I clip it to the lanyard broke and I lost the badge. I went to the help desk but they wouldn't help me. Said they were 'out of badges'. I was fucking choked. So I went back to my hotel room only to find out that my friend bitched them out till they magically found a spare badge that 'just showed'. Hang on to your badges for dear life.

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Edited By Marino  Staff

@jkuc316 said:

Is there a livestream for PAX Prime?

Not that I'm aware of. I know the GB guys don't live stream the panel. I heard Ryan say once that it would be disrespectful to the people there. In 2009, they showed stuff to the live crowd that was not included in the archive footage.

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Edited By Marino  Staff

@Lukeweizer said:

I would also suggest NOT losing your badge. In '08, the part of my badge where I clip it to the lanyard broke and I lost the badge. I went to the help desk but they wouldn't help me. Said they were 'out of badges'. I was fucking choked. So I went back to my hotel room only to find out that my friend bitched them out till they magically found a spare badge that 'just showed'. Hang on to your badges for dear life.

Yeah. Losing your badge would be bad. I used to be real paranoid about it during E3, but at least there your name is on the badge and they have a record of you if you lose it. At PAX, it's all anonymous for the most part.

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Edited By YoungFrey
@Lukeweizer said:
I would also suggest NOT losing your badge. In '08, the part of my badge where I clip it to the lanyard broke and I lost the badge. I went to the help desk but they wouldn't help me. Said they were 'out of badges'. I was fucking choked. So I went back to my hotel room only to find out that my friend bitched them out till they magically found a spare badge that 'just showed'. Hang on to your badges for dear life.

Make sure you bring your confirmation email with you (and anything similar that came in your packet).  My badge didn't come in the mail and I was told I could just bring the registration info to them to get mine.  So if you lose yours, that is probably your best bet. 
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Edited By natetodamax

Even if you don't plan on buying anything, bringing a backpack is definitely essential because the amount of free stuff you can easily get is crazy. I remember at PAX East 2011 my brother would disappear around a corner and show up 10 seconds later with two more shirts.

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Edited By Samaritan

So as someone who's never been to PAX before but is going this year, looking at the provided floor map, many of the theaters are missing from it. How easy are those theaters to find in a pinch?

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Edited By Marino  Staff

@Progn0sticator said:

So as someone who's never been to PAX before but is going this year, looking at the provided floor map, many of the theaters are missing from it. How easy are those theaters to find in a pinch?

The other maps are on the apps you can download. I haven't found them where I can upload them here.

But either way, there are many "World Maps" posted around the convention center. And, when you arrive, you will be given a swag bag that has a program in it. There is a map in there too.

The Enforcers will help direct you if you get lost though. Just look for the blue shirts.

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Edited By YoungFrey

Being in a convention center and hotel meeting space, some places might look obvious on a map but be difficult to path too.  I know last year, they had what was nearly a hidden floor being accessible only from the back stairs in one hall (I think, even if there was another route that still proves my point because I couldn't find it either).   
So, what Marino said, ask Enforcers. 
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Edited By Marino  Staff

@YoungFrey said:

Being in a convention center and hotel meeting space, some places might look obvious on a map but be difficult to path too. I know last year, they had what was nearly a hidden floor being accessible only from the back stairs in one hall (I think, even if there was another route that still proves my point because I couldn't find it either). So, what Marino said, ask Enforcers.

You can get there from an escalator in the Expo Hall (which was not there in previous years) or you can get there from outside across the street from the main entrance. That area is the Pike Street Annex and will be where Halo Fest (among other things) are located this year.

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Edited By Samaritan

Is it a good idea to bring anything else from my pre-registration packet with me to the show besides just the badge?

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Edited By Marino  Staff
@Progn0sticator You most likely won't need it, but it c
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Edited By Marino  Staff

What I meant to say is that it couldn't hurt.

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Edited By Samaritan

Thanks again, this guide will be invaluable!

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Edited By SMTDante89

One new tip that may need to be added is to watch out for Scalpers. @Official_PAX tweeted this about three hours ago.

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