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Too Human

Owned by the GAF?
Owned by the GAF?
So Too Human releases tomorrow and I am very curious to see how it will be received by both the game critics and the general community. After playing the demo, I must admit, I found it to be quite enjoyable. Despite the general consensus of Too Human being a Diablo derivative, I have never played Diablo before so the experience was a new one for me. It controlled similar to that of a dual-stick shooter and I wasn't expecting it to click with me as well as it did. I also enjoyed how vast the environment was. Every time the camera would pan the area, I felt as if I was apart of an epic adventure and something large was looming around every corner. I know Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 are preaching scale, but I hope Too Human delivers in that aspect as well. With the depth of customization, superfluous amounts of weapons, and drop-in/drop-out cooperative play, I think I will be purchasing Too Human at some point this week. I hope everyone gives this game a chance.. I know I'm glad I did.

Side Note: Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, and Mercenaries 2 are all going to be released by the end of this month. How the hell am I supposed to play all of this shit? My pile of shame is going to be very deep by year's end.


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Edited By MasterSplinter
Owned by the GAF?
Owned by the GAF?
So Too Human releases tomorrow and I am very curious to see how it will be received by both the game critics and the general community. After playing the demo, I must admit, I found it to be quite enjoyable. Despite the general consensus of Too Human being a Diablo derivative, I have never played Diablo before so the experience was a new one for me. It controlled similar to that of a dual-stick shooter and I wasn't expecting it to click with me as well as it did. I also enjoyed how vast the environment was. Every time the camera would pan the area, I felt as if I was apart of an epic adventure and something large was looming around every corner. I know Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 are preaching scale, but I hope Too Human delivers in that aspect as well. With the depth of customization, superfluous amounts of weapons, and drop-in/drop-out cooperative play, I think I will be purchasing Too Human at some point this week. I hope everyone gives this game a chance.. I know I'm glad I did.

Side Note: Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, and Mercenaries 2 are all going to be released by the end of this month. How the hell am I supposed to play all of this shit? My pile of shame is going to be very deep by year's end.
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Edited By Vinchenzo

I tried to give the game a chance, played the demo twice but never completed it simply because I got too bored. I will check out more reviews before I throw down the cash for this one since demos aren't always as good as the full game.

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Edited By Claude

I played the demo and you're right on the money about it feeling like a dual-stick shooter. I also felt a little Devil May Cry in it as well. I liked the demo, but I still need to play it some more. As of yet, I haven't finished one play through of the demo. So this is is a wait and see for me, maybe next year, when the price drops I'll buy it.

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Edited By TheGamerGeek

I personally think this game will kick ass,but GI hated it which pissed me off.

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I think Too Human is going to be another case of a game unable to live up to its massive hype. I want to love it, but all of the (mostly) negative reviews force me to believe I'll come away from my experience with the game feeling very disappointed.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

I am leaving Too Human and buying Castle Crashers (and after reading the GB review probly some other arcade games as well)

Burnout Paradise
still sits at the top of my pile of shame. Its very depressing...

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Edited By GalvanizedNails

what? you mean i get to been an infinite undiscoverer soon? I had no idea that it and Tales were coming out so soon, but Too Human is a definite wait on a price drop for me.

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Edited By Rowr

Hopefully it arrives in the mail soon.

Im ready for some online co-op.