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Mento Gear Solid V: The Fandom's Pain: Part 8

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Right on time, at the cusp of the first day of Autumn and the rest of the year's big releases, today we see the end of the Mento Gear Solid V observations series.

I've had my ups and downs with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, especially with the missions in this final entry, but I feel a lot of that is due to the huge amount of content on offer: there's no way you could possibly create almost a hundred hours of gameplay without a few fumbles. In spite of my negative tone at several points, I do think the game is genuinely spectacular. It's a true realization of what Kojima had always wanted a Metal Gear game to be: lore-rich, cinematic like his beloved action movies, and as mechanically dense as anyone could feasibly expect a game to be. There's just so much versatility on display with the various weapons, tools and gear at Snake's disposal, the multitude of clever little touches to discover, and an endless amount of predictable but still intelligent enemy forces to outwit. Even if you boil away all the great base-building elements, the recruiting, the typically labyrinthine plot about secret paramilitary wings of the CIA, a resurrected parasitic lifeform bred for chaos and death, a hundred different literary applications of the term "phantom", and a really determined soldier of fortune, you'd still have one of the most impressive stealth games that has ever been made. Whenever I get addicted to a game of this length, it's usually because I can fall into a relaxed rhythm with its simple gameplay - take, for instance, the mindless farming/grinding in RPGs or running around collecting orbs and other sparklies in an open-world game like Arkham Batman, Assassin's Creed or InFamous - but MGSV had me on my toes at almost all times throughout its illimitable runtime. Though I am somewhat relieved to leave it behind, this might've been the game I've played the longest for a single playthrough. Out of everything I've ever played, even (though Terraria comes very close). That it kept my rapt attention - and my concentration! - so long is the biggest compliment I could give this game. I honestly do believe it's the finest work Kojima has ever created, and it shames Konami to have let him go immediately after its conclusion.

At any rate, we better get to the meat of these final missions and the revelations they contain. I'm sure the handful of you that are already well-acquainted with the game have been following along and looking forward to my reactions to the game's big reveal, so I won't keep you. (And, probably needless to say, if you haven't beaten Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain yet I recommend you go do that instead of reading a whole bunch of spoilers for its ending.)

Part 8: The Mento Who Told the World (That He Was Done With MGS)

  • You know what's awesome? When a tutorial locks you out of the iDroid menu to tell you something you already know about how an online feature works, and then tells you it can't connect to that online feature and just forget about the amazing thing it had to tell you about for the time being. And then when you come back later and open the iDroid, it does the whole thing again. Thanks game.
  • Mission #41. Speaking of forcing poorly-conceived recurring detestations on the player, MGSV has decided that it wasn't enough that we had a timed mission to destroy vehicles coming from every direction in a fairly large mission area apparently designed to necessitate several restarts in order to roll with the punches, or that the player would enjoy nothing more than an even harder version of that same stage to enjoy, but that they needed at least one more except now destroying all the enemy vehicles is mandatory - including a non-extractable gunship, so that's fun for stealth-focused players - and tanks and armored vehicles can somehow still operate and seek you out even when they've been electromagnetized to shit, including turning their weapons directly around to face you even though the back is conventionally a tank/vehicle's blindspot.
  • I'll toss this little thought exercise your way: You are a tank operator working for an African-based Private Force. Your vehicle suddenly gets hit with a mysterious electrical current that disables all your tank's controls, including forward trajectory and weapon systems. What's more, the stunning power of the electricity coursing through the solid metal body of the tank was enough to send you and anyone else inside the vehicle into convulsing unconsciousness for several seconds. With this in mind, do you: A) lie on the floor of the tank twitching slightly until it passes, and then perhaps seek what enemy caused the issue and why before continuing to your mission objective? or B) shrug off the charge, justifying your immunity because of... I dunno, rubber boots? then get on the cannon, ignore science telling you that the cannon doesn't work with 50,000 volts passing through it and force it to work with your latent telekinetic powers that the shock managed to awaken from its lifelong dormancy, immediately spin the barrel of the cannon to face the rear of the tank, assuming that danger is more likely to come from the direction you were just driving away from as fast as a tank could go rather than the sides or front of the vehicle, and then blow the shit out of a surprised saboteur who thought the game's tenuous grasp on reality meant none of the above could possibly apply. If you answered "A", Kojima is very disappointed with your words and deeds.
  • Let me pause my own vitriol for a moment to direct it elsewhere. The game checkpoints missions fairly regularly though it is still governed by a few rules, some obvious and some less so. For instance, approaching an outpost or guard post will often prompt a quick save, which makes sense because getting close to an outpost can often lead to a lot of danger and the game's programming can easily account for triggering a checkpoint save within a certain proximity to one of its major locations. That's one of those serendipitous aspects of game design: when something convenient for the player corresponds to something that is convenient/possible for the coders to implement. Then you have situations where, in order to make the game more convenient for the player, more checkpoints have to be added: let's say for those missions that take place entirely within one large outpost or outside of outposts, and thus there's less opportunities for the outpost-based checkpointing to apply. With the above mission, the game will checkpoint after extracting/destroying certain vehicles, in other words making the logical leap of checkpointing the game after completing one of your mission objectives. What this can result in, and did for me several times, is a situation where you'd extract the first of two tanks moving in formation and then get made by the electified second tank due the above idiocy, and when you restart from the checkpoint because you're trying to be stealthy it puts you immediately after you extracted the one vehicle but immediately - and I mean within fractions of a second - before the other one spotted you and opened fire. The game's checkpoints also have this fascinating property of occasionally loading you in a few seconds after the point it saved, and then a few more seconds after that for every subsequent reload. So, hypothetically for instance, if you were dashing to a marked location to drop some EMN mines in the path of the next vehicle before it can enter an outpost full of guards that would absolutely spot a giant tank floating off into the sky, it's likely you might not make it there in time and get spotted by the vehicle before the mines could be placed, which would either mean triggering a battle alert or getting instantly murdered by its shells. One reload later, and you now have even less time to get there. At this point, you can either keep risking an increasingly smaller and smaller chance of success or just start over, since your only available options are the last checkpoint or the very start of the mission. Which, of course, also includes the thirty seconds of moving to the LZ in the Pequod and listening to Miller describe the basics of the mission you just almost completed in an inadvertently mocking manner. Every time. Hey, guess who has two thumbs and is getting pretty sick of this game's bullshit? (b^_^)b
  • Eli's in a similar rageboat right now, getting himself and his kid army out of Mother Base by having them hijack one of our support helicopters while he uses Psykid to steal Stopdropandrollopus. The game confirmed earlier in a tape that Psychic Mini-tis latches onto particularly strong wills exhibiting negative emotions, and allows himself - though probably not willingly - to act as a psychokinetic conduit for that rage and resentment to power things like enormous battle mechs or ambulatory burned corpses. It also had some line about how children create a stronger effect than adults due to an underdeveloped myelin sheath, which is actually a real anatomical thing and not something Kojima read on a condom wrapper once. Thus, when we were attacked by the Schadenfreude, it was actually the nearby Eli who forced it to break out and rampage across Afghanistan after us, rather than the immediately squished Charizard. Anyway, the kid duo managed it again here, and they all leave for good with the vague concern that out there, somewhere, some punk-ass brat is taking an enormous Gundam out for a joyride. So glad I bothered to complete all those side ops to bring those kids back. Time well spent. (There's also confirmation that Eli isn't Liquid Snake, or at least he's in no way a genetic clone or even related to Big Boss. Hmm. Could be two ways to interpret that.)
  • Mission #42. What's curious about this one rehash mission is that it appears to be essential? There's no gold marker over it, but I have no other available missions right now, nor any "critical" side ops that usually go on to trigger the next story mission. Predictably, it follows the Extreme variant of the "boss battle" Quiet mission with an Extreme variant of the second boss battle; that is to say, the airport encounter with the armored Skulls that forces you to fight them all off with the most powerful lethal weapons in your arsenal, and it sucks to be you if you've developed nothing but tranq guns. Now that the Skulls hit harder and take more to defeat, I've been putting more development work into our robotic buddy D-Walker, using the time to complete a handful of other side ops that keep popping up. (This isn't really the plan; I wanted to blast through the remaining story missions today (08/30) and start writing up a finale piece tomorrow (08/31).) Anyway, this mission was pure torture, but in a way that I can be less mad about. Here, you will quickly die doing absolutely any of the strategies that worked with the first version of this mission: the Skulls simply damage you too much too quickly, even with the battle dress gear. Actually, given this is a fight of attrition, the bigger issue is that I wasn't doing nearly enough damage to them in return; I haven't been upgrading my lethal rocket launchers, assault rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers to a competitive level (let's say 5 or 6, where the development costs get considerable), and so they were all lacking against these powerful foes. Discovering a nearby anti-air gun turret, I used all eight of my active decoys to keep the Skulls nearby but distracted, and simply destroyed them all with that instead. The level 4 gatling gun on D-Walker - which I figured would be a safe bet, but nope - did peanuts compared to the output of one of those turrets. The last Skull didn't get fooled, alas, and destroyed the turret with me in it. Yet, I managed to hobble away and create enough distance that he got attached to one of the remaining decoys and I was actually able to sneak in and start dropping C4 around his feet and won that way. A close one - I was definitely worried that I'd have to leave it until I'd got in a few hours (and a few million GMP's worth) of high-level lethal weapons R&D, making it harder to complete the game by the deadline.
  • Mission #43. The game was really cagey about starting this one. After the previous mission, which probably wasn't essential after all, I completed a few more side ops and suddenly got an emergency alert that another parasite epidemic had broken out on Mother Base; I figured this was Eli's parting gift for the Diamond Dogs. Snake decides to go into the Quarantine Platform alone, without his high-level equipment even, to root out the source of the parasites. I'm on the clock here, since at least hundred of my soldiers are displaying symptoms (sorta? Code Talker seems less sure of what the symptoms are). The mission turned out to be... very depressing. There wasn't much in the way of nuance or tactics here, and there was certainly no evident "non-lethal" alternate strategy to take: its role was entirely narrative, an interactive massacre of the many infected soldiers that looked up to you and trusted you. After being convinced that any infected escapees would spread the parasites to the birds circling the platform, which would then spread it to the entire world, I was forced to shoot each of the infected in the head before they could escape. The game pulls a mean trick by giving you a means via modified night-vision goggles to identify which soldiers were infected and which were not, as every single soldier was infected. With each shot, my heroism would tick down and I'd lose another R&D or Security staff member. It's a brutal way of impressing the value of your personnel on you, and the heartbreak of eliminating them; any staff members on Mother Base will display their codename after you scan them, and that was retained here as you checked them all for the parasites. A lot of adjective-animals lost their lives this day, and someone will have to pay.
  • Specifically, forty-nine people died, including nine S-ranked R&D people. I'm going to feel that one if I ever need something built.
  • The following scene is one of the best the game's spat out so far, a quiet moment where - rather than spread the ashes of the deceased Dogs into the sea - Snake chooses to have them turned into diamonds and incorporated into the soldier's equipment, that they might always be with them on sorties. The game is also focusing on Snake's "horn" more, and how continuing to do evil (but unfortunately necessary) deeds might transform him into a literal demon. It's taking an idea from Fable and Mass Effect 2 and making it a little more on the nose (or forehead, I suppose), but I get what they're going for here in how Big Boss's legacy as the ultimate soldier often doesn't take into account how ruthless he may or may not have been to earn that accolade. I didn't realize this game had any kind of meta-narrative that changed depending on how often the player chose to perform good or evil actions, in the same way something like Dishonored did, mostly because I deploy everywhere with a weapon that can make people unconscious.
  • Of course, now that my Diamond Dogs emblem sparkles with the added diamonds, I gotta wonder if this won't make me more visible. Couldn't have gone with something less showy, perhaps?
  • For a bit of levity, I spotted a certain side op that piqued my curiosity before I realized what it was. You see, most side ops have twenty different variations on the same goal - rescue a guy, extract an enemy guy, take out a team of armored guys, clear mines before they blow up a guy, etc. - so a unique "rescue an intel agent" side op must have something significant going on, I figured. It was after the second time the game impressed upon me the "importance" of this particular agent that clued me in: Why, it's none other than myself, Mento. I guess Konami thoughtfully decided to immortalize me in their game for so eruditely journalizing my many rollicking adventures with the previous Metal Gear Solids. It's Kojima! This particular mission is a parody of the initial rescue mission involving Miller, with identical details like the location he was being kept and a cutscene of Snake handing him back his glasses. "Hideo" (couldn't have gone with the animal theme? "Fired Fox", maybe?) actually has an S-rank in Intel, so even if this is mission was an elaborate goof it's still one I can put to good use.
  • Mission #44. We once again have a situation where, though this is a Total Stealth variant of a previous mission and thus completely optional as I understand it, there's no obvious way to continue the story right now. Might as well see if I can earn a lot of money repeating the first mission in Africa. That, for the record, would be mission #13 with the oilfield facility sabotage. The difficulty of the original mission, which this variant amplifies considerably, is that you have to sneak through two major outposts, the latter of which requires you perform two actions at different areas. You can either try to sneak past everyone on your way inside the base, then to the first location, then to the second location and then back out of the base, or you can try to slowly eliminate all the personnel with a combination of heavy sleepytime drugs and Fultons to make it easier on yourself but suffer a minuscule time bonus. Either way, it's a dangerous prospect with no allowances for getting spotted - the Mfinda Oilfield is absolutely crawling with guards and once the oil separator whatsit explodes, it's immediately surrounded by walkers. I still had that crate Fulton extraction riding trick to fall back on, fortunately.
  • Mission #47. Another Total Stealth variant, this time for that one mission in the airport area where I had to extract a weapons dealer and his PF contact (#21). If you recall, I happened upon an ideal solution for this mission last time: wait until their inspection route takes them far away from the central control tower area where all the guards, snipers and the gunship can see you, and quickly extract the duo and the vehicle they're in. I ran into a little bit of a snafu due to wanting to capture the truck inside the nearby hangar - there was a mission task for it, and I have the incredibly useful wormhole addition to the Fulton (the extra deployment cost is worth being able Fulton anyone, anywhere, with 100% reliability). Once they entered the hangar, though, they suddenly got off the truck and started looking around - I never saw them reach this far in the route, so it's presumably part of the scripted inspection. What's more, both of the nearby walker guards had entered the hangar on the other side to escort the VIPs back to the tower area once they were done, so I was between a rock and a hard place in a Total Stealth mission like this. Or so I thought: I managed to get away with bloody murder, because I extracted all of the above without incident. Took some of the precious metal crates in there too as a souvenir. Cocky, sure, but I'll take my little victories where I can after the game deemed it necessary to take fifty soldiers away from me.
  • There was something new in that last mission: gun cameras. Now, I'm aware that I can craft these for my FOB/PvP base to deter would-be griefers, but I'd never seen them in the wild before. The game waited until mission 47 to introduce them to the single player?
  • As I knew it would, the plot finally showed up kicking and screaming directly after that last mission, with the Diamond Dogs just about ready to tar and feather Emmerich for being the one who, inadvertently, triggered the deadly mutation of the vocal cord parasites. The final straw taken, the mob descends upon him and... well, Snake decides to let him float off in a solitary lifeboat. I mean, it's not like we don't know for a fact already that he survives, remarries and sires Emma Emmerich, the pintsize hydrophobe who gets penetrated by a sexy vampire, but not in the Twilight sort of way she was probably hoping for. Throwing a lot of shade at the dead, huh? At any rate, I'm not sure if we can still upgrade and use D-Walker or not, but then he hasn't been a huge help if I'm being honest. Bye forever, Emmerich family. Maybe I'll see one of you as a headless zombie in Metal Gear Survive (and you can forget about a reactions series for that one, by the by). (In another astonishing example of covering his narrative ass in an optional tape, Kojima makes it clear that Emmerich left enough notes around that maintaining and upgrading the D-Walker won't be an issue for the R&D team.) (Also, I guess this means Eli still has the last vial of English-activated parasites, then.)
  • With the elder Emmerich exiled, all the rest of the game's missions suddenly become available. All bar one, that is. In addition to what sounds like a revealing story mission - Mission #46 "Truth: The Man Who Sold the World" - we also have an Extreme difficulty variant of Code Talker (#48, based on mission #28) which should be fun with all those sniper Skulls, a Subsistence variant of Occupation Forces (#49, based on mission #8) which had you hijack a colonel and his escort vehicles though I imagine it'll be harder without any EMN mines, and an Extreme variant of, you guessed it, the big climactic mano-a-mecho fight with Sandalwood (#50, based on mission #31). The missing mission is #45, and I suspect it has something to do with the disappearance of Quiet. A side op relating to her just opened up, so before I start on what I imagine will be a revelatory Mission #46 (I suspect we'll finally find out who Ishmael is), I should tie up this loose end.
  • Mission #45. "A Quiet Exit". This mission isn't just unfun to play, it's lazily put together. Quiet let herself get captured by the Soviet army and got taken to the Lamar Khaate Palace, but managed to free herself quickly enough without my help. However, the entire Soviet army has decided she must be annihilated with you in the crossfire, and deploys about a bazillion heavy vehicles and tanks to your location. They just keep pouring in too; this is a mission where you put on a pure offense, rather than one involving strategy, or tactics, or guile, or stealth, or non-lethal approaches, or nuance, or grace, or enjoyment, or an appreciation for the game's many versatile options for combat and the avoidance thereof, or really anything that makes this game stand out against its mindless whiz-bang contemporaries. No, in order to see off Quiet properly, we need to have a gauntlet of unavoidable tank shells and goons teleporting in from various spots in the desert over and over and over, like the Emperor's Sardaukar at the end of Dune. I seriously spent over an hour on this mission once I realized I wasn't allowed to quit it or respec my gear for something more suitable for the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and I'd have to say it's the least fun I've had with this game yet.
  • What follows is an "ending" of sorts, at least for Quiet. After I finally completed the mission without dying from an explosion I didn't see coming - I hid on the palace roof, mostly - we make plans to vamoose but Quiet takes a hit to the side by an errant tank shell. Navigating a sandstorm, we make it to cover and Snake gets bitten by another snake while trying to hide from the searching party of an entire second battalion. Snake passes out, the Pequod can't find us without directions in English, and so Quiet finally breaks her silence to get Big Boss the help he needs. I'm not entirely clear on the dire implications of this, whether it means that Quiet will die from the now activated parasites or that Snake was also infected, or what. What we do know is that Quiet is gone for good: she left us a goodbye message for us to find and disappeared like a desert sirocco. Hey wait, I still need her for some of these... oh fine, I'll just use the dog.
  • We aren't done yet. I still have to complete Mission #46. Here's a telling piece of subtext with regards to how much patience I have left with the game: depending on how I feel, what follows are either the descriptions of more bonus missions and/or side ops, or me cutting straight to discussion of Mission #46 and the game's (other?) ending.
  • ...
  • Mission #46, then. As the title suggests, we're back to... OK, fine. One more bonus.
  • Mission #49. I didn't want to do any of these bonus missions due to time constraints, but I found an ingenious solution to this one online that I just had to try out. As a Subsistence mission, you have nothing in your arsenal with which to distract or barricade the tank column you need to extract/destroy for this mission. However, there is one thing that can keep a couple of tanks occupied long enough to get Fultoned: the Pequod. Now that I've upgraded its defense, it was simply a matter of calling in an extraction a few minutes ahead of time, waiting near where the chopper hovers expectantly and then let the tanks try to take potshots at it while I sweep them and the colonel up. Of course, at that point I had to figure out a way to quickly exit the hot zone, so I wasn't... right, the extraction chopper. Doy! (To reiterate: I did not conceive of this brilliant solution, it was found on the PlayStationTrophies board. Thanks PST user stoicjin!)
  • Mission #46, then. As the title suggests, we're back to in the hospital mission at the start of the game. However, we get to see an additional scene just after the explosion from Ground Zeroes that puts the whole game into a different perspective: as paramedics struggle to keep Big Boss alive, they manage to stabilize him but in the process he slips into a coma. The game then pans the camera around to us. "Oh, this one? He has shrapnel embedded in his head." We are not Big Boss. We never were Big Boss. We're some Grandma Base schmuck who got caught in the explosion in the chopper, and surgically altered to resemble Big Boss to keep Cipher and Zero guessing. That create-a-Snake face we created at the start of the game? That's what we used to look like, before the surgery. The mission is more or less identical to the long, deliberately-paced (i.e. boring, because I spend half of it crawling as quickly as a snail) prologue mission, only it's been tactically edited to include all the references to my character's surgery and his resemblance to Big Boss. Ishmael? Well the game all but confirms his identity almost immediately after he fights off Quiet: he's the real Big Boss. With those new facts in mind, there's certain moments that add more clarity to the prologue. Like how, after emerging from the elevator, Firebert turns to deliver his wrath to Ishmael and not you before the sprinkler system scares him off. There's a distinct feeling of gaslighting too: did Ishmael always have Keifer Sutherland's voice? Did he really mention the part about how he and I are the same person the first time through? The mission ends with the reveal of what happened to Big Boss: he and the protagonist switched places, the latter becoming Big Boss's "phantom", presumably so he could bide his time with the creation of Outer Heaven incognito while Cipher and Zero still believe their target is the very visible leader of the Diamond Dogs.
  • The game then switches to a timeline, showing us various events that have occurred in the MGS universe since War World II. It includes many revelations: Eli is indeed Liquid Snake - they tested his compatibility with the fake Big Boss, hence no genetic match; Zero put Big Boss in that Cyprus hospital, and had Ocelot keep tabs on him, rather than Miller who was only brought into the fold later; and after Code Talker had completed his work Pious Augustus attempted to assassinate Zero with the parasites, but left him brain damaged.
  • Now that there's two Big Bosses running around, I have to wonder: is this how Kojima justified the death of one them during the original Metal Gear games? We can assume that Big Boss, the Sean Connery lookalike who betrayed Solid Snake and created Outer Heaven, is this player-created one and the real one could continue dismantling Zero's plans until his fateful encounter with Old Snake in the graveyard? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, and the fake Big Boss died at some point between this game and Metal Gear Solid 1, but it would be one hell of a meta-twist that the big reveal in the last (legitimate) Metal Gear game was simply intended to spackle over a plot hole from the very first. That's Kojima for you - you can never be completely sure whether you're overthinking some aspect of the Metal Gear Solid mythos, and I'm sure there's lots of other little twists and reveals that I missed. I suppose that's what the tapes are for.
  • Well, a post-credits timeline just confirmed that for me. That'll teach me to get some writing done while the credits roll. Big Boss's "phantom", as the player-character is referred to, was indeed the Big Boss of the first MSX/NES Metal Gear and was killed in action by Solid Snake, leaving the real Big Boss to become the antagonist of the second. That does indeed tie that up. A post-post audio scene with Miller and Ocelot, where the latter fills in the former about the real Big Boss's plan, also sets up their roles in Metal Gear Solid - Ocelot taking Liquid's side (nominally), and Master Miller training Solid. A lot of retrospective table-setting, huh? I wonder how many people will play this series and go the chronological route: 3 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 4 ...? If so, that's some hell of diminishing returns (excepting 4, which I liked quite a bit).

Anyway, that will have to be it for this season of the Mento Gear Solid observations blog series, and for the series itself. I've no doubt there's spin-offs I should be playing - the Acids, the Onlines, the Peace Walkers, the Risings and... sigh, the Survives and the Pachinkos - but my intent from the beginning was to follow the Metal Gear Scanlon series that I might enjoy the games in my own time before seeing how Drew reacts to each game's story twists and mechanical differences from a place of experience. I believe he and Dan are done now, and thus so am I.

Thanks again to anyone who took the time to respond to my various babblings with trenchant observations and reactions of their own. It's been a fun series to write, and while I won't preclude an additional bonus tapes episode down the road (I've added to the below table, after all, so that's a statement of intent of sorts) I think I can happily move on from Metal Gear Solid, certainly in less acrimonious terms than Kojima himself did, and finally get to some other games this September. See you around.

Mento Gear Solid
MGS1: Part One
Mento Gear Solid 2: React-Sons of Incredulity
MGS2: Part One: Tanker
MGS2: Part Two: Plant
Mento Gear Solid 3: Snark Eater
MGS3: Part OneMGS3: Part Two
MGS3: Part ThreeMGS3: Part Four
MGS3: Part FiveMGS3: Part Six
Mento Gear Solid 4: Puns of the Patriots
MGS4: Part OneMGS4: Part Two
MGS4: Part ThreeMGS4: Part Four
MGS4: Part FiveMGS4: Part Six
MGS4: Part Seven
Mento Gear Solid V: The Fandom's Pain
MGSV: Part One: Missions 0-2.MGSV: Part Two: Missions 3-6, 10.
MGSV: Part Three: Missions 7-9, 11-12.MGSV: Part Four: Missions 13-16.
MGSV: Part Five: Missions 17-25.MGSV: Part Six: Missions 26-31.
MGSV: Part Seven: Missions 32-40.MGSV: Part Eight: Missions 41-47, 49.
MGSV: Bonus Tapes Edition

(Originally posted 23:58 GMT 08/31/2016.)



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Congratulations on finishing Metal Gear forever! I said as much in my game of the year blog last year, but The Phantom Pain is a fantastic video game and a sorta bad Metal Gear Solid game. The insanity, the pretension, and the weirdness are all present... but you kinda have to dig through tapes or play a couple dozen hours to get to the good stuff. I'm on the side of the fence who thinks that the final twist is kinda bad, even if I can at least respect its audacity.

Still, the part where it actually plays like an enjoyable video game is something that cannot be overstated. MGSV's big dumb stealth sandbox is top notch, even if I think it overstays its welcome a little.

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If you haven't already seen it, there was a Mission 51 that would have (sorta) tied up loose ends regarding Eli and the Sahelanthropus, but due to budget, time constraints and/or Kojima being shoved out the door it was never completed and probably never will.

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Edited By kasaioni

Tanks and armored vehicles always point their turrets and cannons behind them when you electromagnetize them. Once you know that, it's easy to deal with. It's just one of those first time "oh shit" things.

I'll be honest, I don't have much experience with the checkpoint mechanic in this game because I never used it much. If I messed up badly in a mission, I just restarted the whole thing; because I'm old-school and mid-mission checkpoints are for weaklings.

So glad I bothered to complete all those side ops to bring those kids back. Time well spent.

Yes yes, gooood, let the phantom pain flow through you.

Oh right, I guess you didn't know that the horn grows if you kill enough people. And, if you kill a lot of people, you also get covered in blood that is not washable.

The great thing about Huey being sent off in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean is that he does eventually die by drowning himself in a pool.

I thought about warning you about mission 45, but there's really no way to do that without spoiling it. The mission is set-up to catch you off guard with the wrong type of equipment you'd need to handle it properly. But at least you have air-strikes and supply drops to call in, so it's not impossible the first time to complete.

Also Quiet's monologue from that tape is just bad; the worst delivery and dialogue in the game in my opinion on par with some of MGS's most cringe-inducing moments. Quiet was a cool gameplay mechanic, and an "okay" character at best. D-Dog won a GB GOTY 2015 award for a reason.

There is so much I've said and thought about the ending to this game that I could (but won't) say here. What I will say is that anyone who thinks that the ending revelation is simply "oh, he was the medic" or "you don't play as Big Boss" hasn't put any effort of meaningful thought into it. In retrospect, it really is a the most appropriate ending for the series as a whole; more than the lore-soaked character-relations-diagram ending of MGS4.

I'm eagerly awaiting your "Bonus Tapes" episode though. At the very least I want to see your thoughts/reactions to the Truth Tapes, as they are the most important lore-related tapes in the game. More revelations to be had.

Thanks for putting in the time to write this series of blogs, it's been very enjoyable to read.

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I really hoped that if Kojima stuck around he would have used the new shiny fox engine for metal gear 1 and 2 in a reboot fashion

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Nah, Kojima would've just retconned more stuff. The last two missions soured me on that guy but I can't entirely pin the blame on him given the conditions he was under. Still:

  • Why do we need to brainwash this loyal soldier when you've got this off-shore death-cult where nobody disobeys you?
  • Why does Quiet go from victim to fine in about 20 seconds?
  • Why would the soldiers even want to do that to Quiet? A person that very few people trust and that some people genuinely fear?
  • Why do we need to Miller / Ocelot stuff? Those lines have been drawn throughout the entire game. Why be so presumptuous? Solid Snake was sent into Outer Heaven as a suicide mission. Liquid wound up captured whilst with the SAS. They could've died anywhere between then and now.
  • Big Boss already made his transition to scumbag in Peace Walker.
  • Paz is a terrible character.
  • The Metal Gear should be some holy grail they only achieve by the time the Outer Heaven stuff comes into play. Not some giant mega-awesome thing in the 80s that's been in various stages of prototype since 1974. I loved the technical restraint Snake Eater took and since then they've just lost it wildly.

If I want anything from the series, it's a total and utter reset with someone else at the helm.

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Hey, good job! You made it to the end of the rollercoaster, lunch intact. I want to call back to your very first post, where you almost stumbled onto the twist right from the start (mentioning that you don't remember Big Boss all fucked up in other games), which had me in tears with laughter. You nearly got it right out of the damn gate!

Also, Kojima dropped a hell of a lot of hints along the way: "The Man Who Sold The World" that plays is a cover version, not the original, you can zoom in on your reflection in the helicopter and see your created character's face, etc. Very clever.

Finally, I'm glad you made it. Your write-ups are fun and did a great job of putting me in your headspace, and watching you peel back the layers of the onion only to find a robot with a dumb, unpronounceable name or a man in a wheelchair with a hamburger obsession made for a great ride.