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@humanity said:

@missacre said:

@humanity said:

@missacre said:

Don't get this game. It's pretty bad. It still has the same dumbass controls and mechanics from the earlier games, the story is just what-the-fuck-is-going-on, and once again, the only fun part of the game seems to be the sailing. It's pretty enough, though. The water looks nice.

This is the sixth game in the series on console, so I'd assume you would know by now if you like the controls as they've hardly changed since the first game.

Well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't buy this game. It came free with my 780, so it's not like I wasted money or anything.

I honestly don't understand your passionate dislike for this game, I haven't played it myself but I've played almost all the other AC games and thought they were always a lot of fun, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It's just surprising to me as I haven't really noticed anyone ever having such strongly negative feelings about this particular franchise.

Don't get me wrong, I've liked past games in the series. It's just that by now, the whole thing is getting a little played out. We've had an Assassin's Creed game every year since 2007. It'd be nice if the dev team took a break and worked on delivering an actual decent game next time. We all know the next game in the series is gonna be announced in a month or two, though, so oh well. Unless they make something that's actually interesting and looks fun to play, this is my last Assassin's Creed game.

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#2  Edited By Missacre

@humanity said:

@missacre said:

Don't get this game. It's pretty bad. It still has the same dumbass controls and mechanics from the earlier games, the story is just what-the-fuck-is-going-on, and once again, the only fun part of the game seems to be the sailing. It's pretty enough, though. The water looks nice.

This is the sixth game in the series on console, so I'd assume you would know by now if you like the controls as they've hardly changed since the first game.

Well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't buy this game. It came free with my 780, so it's not like I wasted money or anything.

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Don't get this game. It's pretty bad. It still has the same dumbass controls and mechanics from the earlier games, the story is just what-the-fuck-is-going-on, and once again, the only fun part of the game seems to be the sailing. It's pretty enough, though. The water looks nice.

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@jeust said:

A picture perfect zombie survival game.

Maybe next gen. We've already had WAY more than enough zombie-themed games.

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@missacre said:

@kishinfoulux said:

When people say ACIII is garbage or trash I want to punch them, because objectively it's not. Kills me whenever Patrick says that. It's fine you don't like it. It really is. Saying those things just makes you look silly though.

So what you're saying is that people that don't like it look silly saying they don't like it, but the people that do like it don't look silly saying they like it? Double standard much?

It's like you can't read. I said it's okay if you don't like it. But objectively it's not "trash" or "garbage". Terms like that are reserved for Big Rigs or some shit. The game is totally functional and competent, but gaming media and especially fans are so fucking prone to hyperbole they think nothing of it.

@jackcolt said:

@kishinfoulux said:

When people say ACIII is garbage or trash I want to punch them, because objectively it's not. Kills me whenever Patrick says that. It's fine you don't like it. It really is. Saying those things just makes you look silly though.

I liked it too (obviously), but if someone having a different opinion than you makes you that frustrated or angry, it might be time to take a step back. the above.

You might want to word things a bit better, then. Like jackcolt said, though, what's it to you if someone doesn't like this game? I thought people had the right to voice their opinion, and it's your own fault if things like this make you mad. It's not perfect. FAR from it. It still has the same shitty control scheme the first game had, not to mention the terrible mechanics and the COUNTER TO WIN style of fighting.

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An open-world dystopian cyperpunk video game. It's weird how we haven't had one yet.

Cyberpunk 2077 is already being made. It should be out in a couple years.

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@missacre said:

All I want is a new F-Zero, with the same quality GX had. That's all I want out of this gen.

That would rule. Nintendo is fucking up not doing that.

Another one in a similar vein: a new Jet Moto on PS4. Next gen water!

Hell, I'd love to see all the classics remade for the Wii U. F-Zero, Star Fox, Pilotwings, Wave Race, Pokemon Snap, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini. I don't know what the hell Nintendo's doing, but they'd surely sell a buttload more consoles if they only released those games.

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All I want is a new F-Zero, with the same quality GX had. That's all I want out of this gen.

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#9  Edited By Missacre

@missacre said:

@deathstriker said:

@missacre said:

@deathstriker said:

PC has no great exclusives, so I see no reason to switch over.

Yeah, you might want to word that a little differently next time. I'm pretty sure PC has way more good exclusives than all the consoles combined.

No, I worded it just fine. I can't think of one PC exclusive that I'd like to play. Big games like Crysis and Battlefield usually make their way over and even the smaller ones like Trine too. The best games this year (TLOU and GTA) were console exclusive and that's usually the case every year. I'm not saying PC gaming is bad, it just doesn't interest me at all.

Well, just because PC games don't interest you doesn't mean there aren't any good ones. I play exclusively on PC and I think there isn't anything worth playing on consoles, but that doesn't mean that there aren't subjectively good games on them. Also, TLoU and GTA are a complete matter of opinion. TLoU looked pretty cliche and overrated, and GTA is coming to PC in a few months, so we'll get the better version anyway. If I seem biased, it's because you are too.

Me saying "I'm not saying PC gaming is bad, it just doesn't interest me at all" covers all that. Obviously what I say I like is my opinion, so good job missing the point.

Well, you're just a hostile little guy, aren't you? We're done here.

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When people say ACIII is garbage or trash I want to punch them, because objectively it's not. Kills me whenever Patrick says that. It's fine you don't like it. It really is. Saying those things just makes you look silly though.

So what you're saying is that people that don't like it look silly saying they don't like it, but the people that do like it don't look silly saying they like it? Double standard much?