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Mistral: Favorites

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  • The only RPG I've ever beaten and wanted to replay less than two months later.

  • Why is spending 3000 years becoming the most cultured and scientific civilization so much FUN?

    War? What's that?

  • An old obscure game, but one of the most addicting and fun games in the history of mankind.

  • Where does this old, obsure game get away with being one of the best games ever?!

  • I am ashamed to admit that Pokemon is still incredibly addicting for being a series that's just starting to catch up to the RPG standards of 1990.

  • I have no idea how a game about farming is fun, but it is.

  • Part of one of those esteemed series where every game is identical, the only real reason I got this is because digging out my GC was a pain. Maybe they'll finally release a game that doesn't punish you for taking a break from it for a while and then I'll have a reason to buy another Animal Crossing game.

  • Great game, although you really need to get Rush Hour and download the NAM pack for it to be the best game it can be.

  • An incredibly fun game, even if I do keep getting distracted before I actually finish it.

  • I just remembered that this existed after not playing it/having it on my hard drive for a few months(horray for hard drive crashes.) And the LCS I remember is AWESOME.

  • Do not play this game. You will lose days of your life and end up with an overheated pc once your map is filled with cats.